PT Toyota Astra Motor as the agent holding the brand that markets Calya reasoned that the achievement of the LCGC segment was still within the company's strategy track. The reason is, in this segment, Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) fielded two models, namely Agya and Calya.
The Calya 1.2 R, which is the best seller in the eco-friendly economy car segment or LCGC throughout 2021, has now been overtaken by the Brio Satya E manual transmission.
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) as the principal who oversees Calya argued that the achievement of the LCGC market is still within the company's strategic track. In fact, TAM offers two different models in the LCGC segment, Agya and Calya.
Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) Anton Jimmi Suwandy said that his company's approach to LCGC is basically the same, namely the needs, especially at the entry level, are different.
"That's why there is Agya as an entry hatchback and Calya as an entry MPV, both of which are included in the LCGC program," he said when contacted, Tuesday (31/5/2022).
Anton explained that in total, the two contributed 16,119 retail sales units from January to April 2022. Agya contributed 5,897 and Calya 10,222.
Therefore, he sees the LCGC market between TAM and other principals as having different approaches to the market. TAM tries to cater to a wider market.
For example, added Anton, TAM consumers are very fond of the MPV model. However, TAM has not forgotten about other models such as the hatchback .
"So it's not a problem, maybe, but a different approach between brands. But it seems this will be able to increase the market. The more choices, the more attractive the market is," he explained.
Based on data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo), year to date 49,418 units of The realization fell 11.08 percent compared to last year, which was 55,581 units.
Viewed on a monthly basis, sales in April rose 8.29 percent over the previous month. From 11,705 in March, to 12,676 units.
Brio Satya E automatic transmission dominates the LCGC segment, with total sales of 8,116 units during January-April this year. This Honda output car contributes 16.4 percent of the overall low-cost environmentally friendly cars.
The second largest was Calya 1.2 G with sales of 7,602 units (15.4 percent of total LCGC sales). Then followed by the New Sigra 1.2 R manual transmission with 5,901 units (11.9 percent)
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