The vehicle switch from Euro 2 to Euro 4 provides a number of benefits for the national economy.
The Ministry of Industry believes that the transition of vehicles from Euro 2 to Euro 4 can encourage economic growth. In addition, this policy also provides various benefits for the state.
The Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE) at the Ministry of Industry, Taufiek Bawazier, said the benefits range from reducing emissions and air pollution, increasing vehicle performance, to increasing export opportunities for the national automotive industry.
“The automotive industry is the main contributor to the GDP [gross domestic product] of the transportation equipment industry. In the first quarter of 2022, the performance of the transportation equipment industry experienced the highest growth with an achievement of 14.2 percent year on year [compared to the same period last year]," he said in South Tangerang, Tuesday (7/6/2022).
Taufiek explained that currently the Indonesian automotive industry is supported by 21 companies with four or more wheels. They have a total production capacity of 2.35 million units per year.
The industry has contributed greatly to foreign exchange. One of them is with a total investment of Rp. 71.35 trillion for a production capacity of 2.35 million units per year.
"In addition, the multiplier effect of automotive industry activities has absorbed 38,000 direct workers and more than 1.5 million people who work along the industrial value chain," he explained.
Specifically for four-wheeled vehicles or more, the government began implementing the Euro 4 emission standard in April. At least some companies have issued products with these provisions.
The latest and launched today is the Mercedes-Benz Axor Euro 4. This product is the first vehicle from the European brand to introduce a truck with Euro 4 standards.
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