High Fuel Prices, Toyota Optimistic Consumers Switch to Hybrid

The reason is that a Hybrid Electric Vehicle or HEV will cut fuel use by up to 50 percent. So, when the price of fuel oil (BBM) soars, using HEV is the most realistic option.

The soaring world crude oil price which has an impact on the increase in the price of fuel oil or BBM should be a moment of growth in sales of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) cars. Toyota said the vehicle could be a solution.

Corporate Affairs Director of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) Bob Azam said that seeing the potential that exists, hybrid should have started ogling the market.

“ Hybrid fuel saving up to 50 percent. It should be a solution, especially when the price of gasoline goes up," he said via instant message, Monday (23/5/2022). 

Quoted from data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo), sales of HEV vehicles in April were 192 units. The realization fell 31.9 percent from April last year as many as 282 units.

Meanwhile, compared to March, sales of hybrid also fell 5.89 percent. There sold 204 units.

If accumulated throughout 2022 to April, sales of 846 units. This figure is down 26.93 percent from the same period last year with a total of 1,158 cars. 

Meanwhile, there are not many hybrid car manufacturers. There are only four agents holding brands there, namely Lexus, BMW, Nissan, and Toyota.

There, Toyota dominates the market by issuing four types of hybrid car brands. Of the total vehicle sales of 192 units in April, 161 came from Toyota.

General Chairman of Gaikindo Yohannes Nangoi explained that the portion of hybrid car sales to all vehicles is relatively small. 

"Because the market is very specific. There are people who want to try, yes he tried. But the market has not been read," he explained. 

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