CPO Exports Open, Domestic Cooking Oil Supply Safe?

Gapki is committed to meeting the supply of raw materials/cooking oil in the country even though the government has opened the export faucet for crude palm oil (CPO).

The Palm Oil ( Gapki export faucet for crude palm oil ( CPO government has opened the

"We, the business community, will support and comply with government policies to ensure the supply of cooking oil in the country," said Gapki spokesman Tofan Mahdi to The Newbie , Sunday (22/5/2022).

According to him, the policy of opening CPO exports will ensure the sustainability of the Indonesian palm oil business sector in the future.

“First of all, we would like to thank President Jokowi for opening the export faucet for CPO and its derivative products. This policy will ensure the sustainability of the Indonesian palm oil business sector,” he said.

Gapki said that his party would coordinate with importing countries regarding the delivery of goods. Vessels that usually transport cooking oil and CPO also need to prepare for the departure of goods.

"It depends on the readiness of the ship, because yesterday it was stopped with a ban. Exporters will first coordinate with importers, especially regarding transportation issues that cannot be impromptu," said Tofan. 

Previously reported, President Jokowi officially reopened crude palm oil (CPO) exports starting Monday (23/5/2022). Jokowi revealed that the decision to reopen CPO and cooking oil exports was taken by the government after taking into account the current supply and price of cooking oil and considering the workers and farmers in the palm oil industry.

"Based on the current supply and price of cooking oil and considering that there are 17 million workers in the palm oil industry, both farmers, workers, and other supporting staff, I have decided that cooking oil exports will reopen on Monday, May 23, 2022, "Jokowi said in a virtual press statement, Thursday (19/5/2022).

Jokowi previously stopped the export of cooking oil and cooking oil raw materials on April 28, 2022.

The CPO export ban policy itself is contained in the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) No. 22 of 2022 concerning the Temporary Prohibition of Exports of Crude Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil, Refined, Bleached and Deodorized palm olein and Used Cooking Oil. Through this Minister of Trade Regulation 22/2022, the government temporarily prohibits the export of CPO and its derivatives as stated in the regulation.

However, as of this writing, the Minister of Trade regarding the lifting of the export ban has not yet been issued. "Not yet. We'll let you know when it's published," said the Ministry of Trade's Public Relations Staff Reno Maharso, Sunday (22/5/2022).

The business has also contacted Plt. Director General of Foreign Trade Veri Anggrijo regarding the issuance of technical regulations for CPO exports which will be opened tomorrow, but has not yet received a response. 

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