Muchlis Fachri or commonly known by the name Muklay is a visual artist whose name is on the rise in Indonesia and abroad.
Instead of using a laptop or desktop PC, Muklay admitted that he always made works using only an iPad .
The man who was born in 1990 said that he has been using tablets since he started his career as an artist.
He says that creating work using an iPad can make the process faster and more flexible.
"For my first digital drawing, I used an iPad," he said at the inauguration of the Digimap PIM 3 store, Wednesday (8/6) yesterday.
"So I don't use Wacom, I don't use all kinds of things," he added.
The artist also said that he could not use other devices other than the iPad.
In addition, he also revealed that there is one application or software that he relies on on the iPad device.
the Digimap PIM 3 store, Wednesday (8/6).
Muklay Use App Procreate
Based on his narrative to The Newbie, Muklay admitted that he relied on the Procreate application.
"Procreate is one of the ideal applications for me now," explained Muklay.
He reasoned that Procreate is an application that can support his productivity when creating works.
And the exclusiveness of Procreate which is only available on iPad , therefore Muklay chose to rely on the application.
Read also : Digimap Collaborates with Muklay, Buying an iPhone Can Get a Special Gift
"Procreate is not available anywhere, not on Android, only on Apple," he said.
What is Procreate App
Talking about Procreate, this application is already popular among professional illustrators.
Procreate offers a variety of features that can make it easier for artists to produce a work.
Some artists also consider Procreate as an application that offers a new experience for its users.
Some of the features in the Procreate application include Custom Procreate Brushes, Blend Modes, and Basic Gestures.
So, are there any The Newbie friends who like to create digital works using iPad and Procreate applications like Muklay?
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