In the digital era, fraudulent modes are increasingly varied to ensnare their victims.
case emerged online fraud involving BCA customers .
The Twitter account @astridmokoginta revealed that her sister had been the victim of an online scam stemming from an advertisement on Instagram .
Not kidding, Astrid said that Rp 118 million disappeared from her sister's BCA account in less than 30 minutes.
The The Newbie team has contacted the account owner @astridmokoginta to get confirmation and chronology details.
Astrid told the The Newbie team that the scammers placed an ad on Instagram to trap the victim.
The ad contains a poster for the BCA Prioritas upgrade requirements and a link to the perpetrator's WhatsApp account.
The perpetrator's WhatsApp account is in the name of Bank BCA and uses the profile description "Bank BCA official WhatsApp account".
However, the cellphone number used is not from the Indonesian region because it starts with the number +61.
For those who don't know, Indonesian cellphone numbers start with the number +62.
Furthermore, Astrid said that her sister then contacted the perpetrator's WhatsApp account to apply for BCA Prioritas.
After contacting the perpetrator's account, the victim is directed by the perpetrator to fill out a submission form via a special link.
After being filled in and sent, the victim's m-banking application could not be accessed and the money in the account lost Rp 118,350,000.
Read also : Viral Fraud Under the guise of Offering to Become a Priority BCA Customer, Here Are the Characteristics!
"In the end, he clicked which was directed (advertisement) to WA and gave a link and my sister was told to fill out a form for priority submission. When it was sent, my sister immediately couldn't open her BCA m-banking and immediately lost that much money," said Astrid to The Newbie.
Reported to BCA and Police
Astrid said that her sister had made a report to BCA and the police.
Initially, the younger brother reported to BCA then BCA asked the victim to make a report to the Resort Police because of fraud cases of over 20 million.
The bank asks the victim to make a report not in the name of a fraud case but by negligence in transferring/wrong transfer to someone else's account.
After making a report, the police advised the bank to try freezing the perpetrator's account.
However, the Bank BCA said that this was not their authority.
For now, fraud cases involving BCA customers are still ongoing.
Astrid said that BCA requested 10 working days starting from Monday (6/10) to follow up on the case.
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