Want to Choose Health Insurance? Come on, follow these 9 strategies

The development of insurance companies in Indonesia is quite high, but public awareness of the importance of insurance is still very lacking. There are those who consider insurance as an investment, there are also those who see insurance as just a financial drain. Currently, there are many types of insurance that can be a choice of protection for yourself and your family. These include health insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, and others.

For health insurance itself is indeed an important thing to invest. You don't want to sell assets just to pay for medical expenses? When you decide to choose health insurance, you must be observant to see what facilities you get, is it only for inpatient care? Or for outpatient and there are life insurance .

The following are some strategies that you can participate in choosing health insurance.

1. Be Aware of Your Needs

The necessities of life are not only to eat, drink, and wear. Regardless of your needs, health should be your top priority. Without good health, it is impossible for you to do activities productively. The health insurance policy of each insurance company is different. You have to know what kind of health insurance you need.

2. Types of Insurance Protection

Apart from the standard health insurance that has been determined by the insurance company, there are also those who offer you an offer to choose the type of insurance protection that you need. For example, a health insurance package + life insurance, or health insurance but with complete facilities and greater coverage for various types of diseases. However, the insurance premium you pay may be slightly higher. Adjust the premium amount according to your financial ability. 

3. Make a Comparison

As mentioned above, each insurance company provides different insurance services. Of course, this can be a consideration for you. Remember, don't be in a hurry. You have to be careful in choosing insurance.

4. Adjust to Financial Ability

The following is that you must be able to adjust to the financial budget you have. Don't let the big premium weigh you down. You need to know that health insurance is the same as other types of insurance which is a fixed expense that will last for a period of several years. If you are confused, you can ask the insurance staff for help to make a payment simulation. In this simulation, you can measure your ability to pay insurance premiums every month.

5. Consider the Quality of the Insurance Company

Do not choose the wrong insurance company. When making a decision about an insurance company, you must consider the credibility of the company. Make sure the company you choose has a good reputation. 

6. Take advantage of Third Party Services

It is often found that customers are confused and find it difficult to understand the contents of insurance policies in detail. If you are not careful, it could cause potential losses in the future. You can use the services of a third party such as a “broker”. Insurance brokers can help you analyze your needs and choose the most appropriate health insurance services from an insurance company to use.

7. Choose Family Health Insurance

In addition to health insurance for individuals, currently there are insurance companies that provide family health insurance services . This can be said to be very effective because you might be more efficient in paying the monthly or annual premium. Of course the premium is lighter when compared to paying the policy for each person.

8. Understand the Insurance System

In general, insurance companies will apply a cashless or reimbursement system in their services. In the cashless system, you will find convenience when you need health services at partner hospitals. You only need to bring and show your membership card when registering at the hospital. While the reimbursement system, you are required to make a deposit when registering for inpatient care and even have to pay off all medical expenses incurred at the hospital. After getting treatment, you can make a claim to the insurance by including the payment receipt.

9. Partner Hospital

In general, insurance companies already have cooperation with a number of hospitals. The more partner hospitals, the easier it is for you to find the nearest hospital from your location and of course the easier it is to get the health services you need.

Try the newbie Health Insurance

the newbie health insurance starts from IDR 30 thousand per month with daily compensation up to IDR 1 million per day. What are you waiting for! 

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