Can Education Insurance Cover Children's Future?

In the previous article, we discussed what child education insurance , how it works, and the risks. This time we will discuss whether education insurance is used to guarantee the future of children? As we know that insurance in general is important to help us in the future if at any time there is a financial risk. Even for some people, insurance is a priority to protect themselves and their families.

Education insurance is considered to be an investment for children's needs. Not infrequently, education insurance is usually combined with life insurance for families. Although considered important, in fact education insurance is also rarely used. Why? This is because the investment value paid by premium holders does not provide results that can offset the inflation rate from the cost of education itself. We know that the cost of education increases every year. This of course has an impact on premium holders.

Indeed, there are advantages to making education insurance worthy of consideration for parents. You just have to deposit a certain amount of premium within a certain period that has been mutually agreed upon at the beginning of the insurance agreement. If you are a beginner in the world of educational insurance, there are a few things you might consider.

Insurance company where you are insured

The first thing that is important is that you must know the insurance company where you have insurance. In Indonesia, we know that there are many insurance companies that offer insurance services for various needs. Starting from life insurance , vehicle insurance, and other general insurance. Every insurance company has its advantages and disadvantages. To choose an insurance company, there are at least a few things you need to pay attention to.

Financial Strength. To assess the financial strength of an insurance company you must look at its assets and liabilities, underwriting policies , and underwriters . This financial strength can be seen from the balance sheet report. On the other hand, you can also see the investment value of a company. To see underwriting policy , you can look at the balance sheet of the annual report. There you can see if the insurance is still profitable or experiencing profit growth. From the underwriter 's point of view, you can see from the company profile whether it has qualified personnel or not.

Company Services. This side shows the quality of the insurance company's workforce, especially if the superior product is service insurance. It can be seen from the excellent service provided to customers.

Choose a Premium According to Finance

Here's what you should see is the amount of income and premiums that must be issued each month. Moreover, in Indonesia, we know that the annual cost of education reaches 15%. Therefore, you have to calculate how much premium you can afford to pay. It's not a matter of cost, but it's important to know that a small premium will not cover a large tuition fee. Ideally for education insurance, you need a range of around IDR 500,000 to IDR 100,000 per child per month.

Choose the Right Police

The changing education system in Indonesia makes us have to be wise in making decisions for children's education, including choosing a policy. Choose insurance policy a flexible education There are several companies that determine the terms of the policy that can only be claimed at any time or only on time. Education insurance is definitely a long term insurance that takes more than 5 years.

Insurance Facilities

This type of education insurance is not only limited to the type of education insurance. There are educational insurances that provide additional facilities such as health insurance and other coverage that may cut the amount of your insurance policy. Whatever the type of insurance policy, depends on your financial capabilities.

Thus the discussion about education insurance. This review is only for your consideration in choosing the right insurance for children and according to your abilities.

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