Maternity Insurance: Is it Important and Right for You?

Childbirth is a complicated and risky process. The proof is that the safety of the life of the mother-to-be is at stake, while the safety of the baby is not guaranteed. Not to mention if we calculate the amount of costs used during the delivery process.

Therefore, sometimes we need protection. In this case: Maternity insurance which is useful to cover at least the financial risks that come from giving birth. But keep in mind that not everyone is suitable and/or wants maternity insurance.

To find out if maternity insurance is right for you, let's read this article further!

4 Benefits of Maternity Insurance

Maternity insurance cannot prevent health risks. However, at least he can help reduce the burden of financial risk that you carry. As a result, you only need to focus on maintaining the health and mental health of the prospective mother and fetus through childbirth preparations .

Here are the benefits of maternity insurance.

1. Cover the costs during pregnancy until delivery

Some maternity insurance products cover costs starting from the time of pregnancy. This includes the cost of a doctor's visit for an obstetric check, the cost of pregnancy complications, to the entire cost of hospitalization during delivery.

However, because every insurance company is different, it's a good idea to double check the insurance benefits provided in the policy. If you don't read it correctly, then there is a chance that the company will reject the claim when the risk comes.

2. Protect the health risks of the baby & mother after giving birth

The health risks of giving birth do not stop there. Sometimes even though the baby and mother are born, they can still experience other complications from childbirth.

For example, babies born prematurely will be louder and have congenital abnormalities. Or the baby's physical condition is too weak after giving birth so that he has to undergo special intensive care for the baby. Most mothers can experience pregnancy complications after giving birth.

Fortunately, some maternity insurance products cover the financial risks of postpartum. Again, you should double-check the benefits of each product before buying.

3. Cover hospital facilities

Of course, one of the heaviest costs is the cost of the delivery process itself. Class I for the cost of childbirth alone has reached tens of millions of rupiah. Not to mention if there are other procedures that need to be done because of complications, such as having to do a cesarean section or using a vacuum .

Usually maternity insurance provides provisions for childbirth benefits in the form of inpatient facilities with certain classes. The higher the class, the automatically more comfortable facilities for mothers and children, with a higher premium.

4. Reducing the death rate

Many mothers-to-be have lost their lives or even lost their fetuses because they cannot pay the cost of giving birth in a hospital. Because of this, many women have to give birth at home, which is much more risky for the mother and baby, or even abort the fetus.

With the existence of birth insurance among the people of Indonesia, the infant mortality rate, abortion, and maternal mortality rate can also decrease.

Types of Maternity Insurance

There are basically two types of maternity insurance that you can get:

Unit link life insurance

This insurance actually focuses on the child's life, which means covering the risk of the child's death. However, usually they also have additional insurance benefits, such as coverage for the risks experienced by the mother-to-be, hospital fees, the risk of abnormalities or disability in the baby, the risk of hospitalization for the baby, and others.

Not only that, unit link means this product also has an investment element. Because of this, premiums may decrease over time. However, at the same time, investing also means there is a risk where you will lose.

BPJS Health

This health insurance from the government also has benefits for pregnant women during the pregnancy process. In addition, BPJS is also subsidized by the government so that it is one of the affordable birth insurance products.

However, unfortunately these benefits can only be used to protect the mother's risk. The risk to the baby during pregnancy until delivery is not covered. So if the baby has abnormalities, disabilities, and other risks, BPJS cannot cover it. Newborn babies can be registered by BPJS, but only when they are born in good health.

How Important is Maternity Insurance?

To answer this one question, you have to reconsider your options. There are times when maternity insurance will be more profitable, but maybe it's not the right choice for you.

Here are things you can consider before buying maternity insurance:
  • Make a detailed list of the costs of pregnancy to delivery for the hospital of your choice. Compare: Is the Sum Insured commensurate with the premium paid? If not, then you're better off just saving up.
  • Do you have sufficient reserve funds in case of the risk of unexpected costs? Write down any risks that might occur.
  • The insurance benefits will cover what costs? How many other costs do you still need to pay that are not covered by insurance? You can read the exceptions and ask the agent or insurance company in question.
Another option: Save yourself

If you feel that you are not compatible with maternity insurance, then you still have to save. Of course, it's better to prepare ahead of time, than to go into debt here and there because your savings are lacking?

The important thing is to keep setting a breakdown cost and savings target. If you need extra money, you can try different types of investments. However, you also need to remember the risks that come with the investment .

In addition to hospital and doctor fees, don't forget to take other costs into account. For example, special clothes for pregnant women, baby equipment, and other needs outside the delivery process itself.

Are you ready to welcome the arrival of your baby?

Preparing to give birth is not just about being financially ready, but mentally and physically ready. For prospective mothers, make sure you have prepared yourself to go through the pregnancy process later.

For fathers-to-be, your responsibilities will increase. Therefore, make sure you at least have life insurance to protect your new family. If something happens to you, you can still protect your little family.

You can preview life insurance by The Newbie. Starting from only IDR 33,000 per month, you can get protection up to millions of rupiah.

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