What is a non-refundable loan

Among the many existing options in the credit modalities, one of the most interesting is the non-refundable loan . An attractive financing channel and an always considerable alternative to boost business, to implement certain activities or for other functions. 

Also known as non-refundable credit, it is a form of financing that does not require the return of money. In addition, there are no added charges such as commissions or interest .

To obtain a loan of this nature, clear clarity is usually required about the objective to which the credit funds are destined. The project to be implemented will be justified in detail. is also usually included business plan to know the growth options of the enterprise.

There are not many entities that offer these loans . It is common for it to be a thing of the governments of a country, municipalities or autonomous communities. They serve as formulas for the development of entrepreneurial ideas. That is why they are usually granted to individuals who wish to turn their enterprises into companies capable of generating quality employment , tax pressure and social and economic momentum.

However, non-refundable loans are also usually granted in disadvantaged areas or victims of catastrophes or crises of various kinds. Administrations inject money to promote recovery.

types of loans 

There are two types of non-refundable loans:

  • Operating loans : they are aimed at financing the current expenditure of a company. Subsidies, discounts on interest rates, direct concessions, etc. are included.
  • Loans to capital : they finance investments.
In the field of subsidies, we also find other interesting modalities aimed at promoting businesses and projects with specific purposes. Of course, it must be demonstrated, to obtain them, how the benefit will be obtained and what they will be used for:

  • Non-competitive concurrence : they are granted in order of presentation. They end when funds run out.
  • Of competitive concurrence : the applications are valued and they are granted to those projects with the best evaluation.
  • Directly : provided for in the general state budgets, they are used for projects of social, public, humanitarian or economic interest.
How do you get these credits?

You can see that it is not easy to get one of these credits completely lost. And there is no exact rule that ensures the achievement of these loans.

If you want to obtain a non-refundable public subsidy, we have to carry out a detailed analysis of our project. Only if it has a future, potential and public, economic or social interest, it will be possible to obtain financing of this nature.

If, after studying the business, we consider that it is feasible to obtain credit, it can be sought in various public bodies, from local and regional governments to the national one. The different departments, councils and ministries offer different options in which to compete.

Do you think you can get a non-refundable loan, but you do not have sufficient means to achieve it? Do you still have doubts about this topic or others like it? Don't waste time and contact our professional team. Together we can reach your goal. 

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