Wins the Best Digital Banking Award, BRI (BBRI) Proves the Success of Digital Transformation

Raih Penghargaan Digital Banking Terbaik, BRI (BBRI) Buktikan Kesuksesan Transformasi Digital

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) or BRI continues to make achievements for its success in carrying out digital transformation. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the digital banking for the data dimension at the 2022 Digital Banking Awards. In this case, BRI is digital bank in the category of Banks Based on Core Capital (KBMI) 4 or banks with core capital above Rp 70 trillion.

This award was given by Investor Magazine – Berita Satu Media Holdings (BSMH) in collaboration with the Intellectual Business Community (IBC) virtually (28/6/2022) which was attended by BRI's Enterprise Data Management Division Head Maulana Yusuf. It is known, this award aims to accelerate the digital transformation of banks in Indonesia. In addition, it also maps out banking digitalization services in general and the quality of digital banking services.

Meanwhile, Director of Digital and Information Technology BRI Arga M. Nugraha said the company will continue to spur digital transformation in the midst of increasingly modern . In addition, this commitment is also a step towards achieving BRI's vision as The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and Champion of Financial Inclusion.

"Through this award, BRI is able to prove to stakeholders that the company continues to grow healthily and sustainably. Especially in terms of Information and Technology (IT), BRI has strengthened aspects of big data and artificial intelligence (AI)," he said in a press release, Sunday (3/7/2022).

In the midst of increasingly challenging conditions, BRI has also developed its services to better respond to market needs and the development of the digital era. This achievement also encourages BRI to provide the best service for customers. 

The strengthening of the operating model platform , for example, continues to be enhanced by the competent performance of the company's digital talents. BRI also continues to transform its blueprint , which focuses on digital and cultural .

For information, the ranking and awards for the 2022 Digital Banking Awards are carried out by a team of judges who are competent and professional in the field of banking digitization and information technology experts. The criteria are taken based on the “Blueprint for Digital Banking Transformation” from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as well as secondary data processing carried out by the Berita Satu Media Holdings Research Team.

Meanwhile, the assessment criteria itself refers to the six main indicators of digital maturity, consisting of 21 OJK sub-indicators, which include customers , data, technology, risk management, institutional arrangements, and collaboration. In addition, in anticipation of the ratification of the Consumer Data Protection Law, the jury also included one additional criterion, namely the existence of a data protection officer as part of the data dimension criteria. 

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