This is BNI's explanation of the Unsecured Credit Hoax

Ini Penjelasan BNI Soal Hoaks Kredit Tanpa Jaminan
Ini Penjelasan BNI Soal Hoaks Kredit Tanpa Jaminan

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) provided an explanation regarding the hoax of lending without collateral.

Corporate Secretary Mucharom emphasized that BNI is a government-owned company that runs business within the corridors and supervision of the government as well as the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Therefore, lending to any party must go through a legal process including collateral requirements that are in accordance with the value of the loan facility. In addition, BNI's internal and external audits continue to run regularly to continue to ensure various fraudulent that can harm the company as the guardian of state assets.

As for BNI debtors from South Sumatra, who are mentioned with the initials BG, they have partnered since 2017, and it has been confirmed that the provision of credit has collateral and is in accordance with the provisions. Even the debtor's credit facility is in current condition.

"We can ensure that all legal processes in our lending are in accordance with the applicable corridors. We hope that no one else will deliberately spread hoaxes that make people restless for the sake of seeking profit," said Mucharom in his written statement, Saturday (2/7/2022). 

Regarding coal, Mucharom continued that BNI's credit disbursement was carried out in a conservative manner by taking into account all the provisions of the relevant ministries and institutions.

BNI's rupiah and foreign currency mining loans are also small, per the first quarter of 2022, only 3.23% of BNI's total loans. The mining loan disbursement step was also followed by a green banking in which our credit for the new and renewable energy sector has reached Rp 10.3 trillion.

"We have also disbursed financing for pollution handling reaching Rp 6.8 trillion, as well as the water and waste water management segment worth Rp 23.3 trillion," said Mucharom. 

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