Airing in a Week, Here's How to Buy IMAX Cinema Tickets to Watch Servant of Satan 2

Tayang Seminggu Lagi, Ini Cara Beli Tiket Bioskop IMAX untuk Nonton Pengabdi Setan 2
Tayang Seminggu Lagi, Ini Cara Beli Tiket Bioskop IMAX untuk Nonton Pengabdi Setan 2

The film Pengabdi Setan 2 will officially premiere at IMAX on August 4, 2022.

The plan for the screening of the film Pengabdi Setan 2 at IMAX has attracted public attention.

because the decision to show the film Pengabdi Setan at IMAX is still relatively rare for other Indonesian films.

Quoted from , IMAX is a Canadian company that has the technology to provide the best viewing experience.

The technology offered by IMAX is indeed different from ordinary cinema systems, especially on the screen.

IMAX technology in Indonesia is brought by Cineplex 21, which is one type of theater at Cinema XXI or Cinema 21 .

The screen size provided is larger than a regular cinema screen, which is 40% larger than a regular screen.

Comes with excellent features, don't be surprised if the price of IMAX cinema tickets is more expensive starting at IDR 50,000 compared to usual cinema tickets.

Now because it's still a theater part of Cinema 21, the way to buy IMAX cinema tickets is also the same as buying XXI cinema tickets

Reporting from the newbie , here are 7 easy steps how to buy IMAX cinema tickets online on to watch the movie Pengabdi Setan 2 .

1. The first step is to open the Cinema 21 .

2. After that, how to buy IMAX cinema tickets can be done by selecting the title of the film and the location of the cinema where to watch.

3. Don't forget to select the date, showtime, and number of tickets you want to buy. 

4. When the plan appears, please select an available seat and click “Confirm Order”.

5. Check the purchase details again before paying, then enter the PIN and click "Buy Ticket".

6. Tickets were successfully purchased and confirmation was sent to the email registered in the account.

7. After receiving the QR, scan it at the M-Tix machine available at the cinema location and convert it into a physical ticket.

So, those are 7 easy steps on how to buy IMAX cinema tickets that you must know in preparation for watching the movie Servant of Satan 2. 

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