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Brigpol Josua tewas ditembak di rumah dinas Kadiv Propam Polri Irjen Ferdy Sambo. Keluarga ungkap kejanggalan tewasnya Brigpol Josua. |
The death of Brigadier Nopryansah Josua Hutabarat alias Brigadier Josua at the official house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Headquarters Inspector General Ferdy Sambo left a number of oddities for his family.
Brigpol Josua died after being shot by Brigpol E, another aide to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo .
the police version, Brigadier Josua was shot dead for allegedly committing sexual harassment and pointing a gun at the wife of the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo .
"What is clear is that, yes, it is true that they were harassing and pointing a gun with a gun at the head of the Propam Head's wife," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, when confirmed, Monday (11/7/2022).
On the other hand, the family of Brigadier Josua revealed a number of irregularities behind the child's death.
Here are the oddities:
1. The shooter's condition is questionable
According to Samuel Hutabarat, the father of Brigadier Yosua, a team from the National Police Headquarters said that in that incident Brigadier Joshua first took out a sharp weapon and shot blindly at the aide of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo who was in the house.
He felt strange and asked about the condition of the person involved in the shootout with Brigadier Joshua.
"If it is my son who shoots blindly, what is the condition of the person who was shot? He said he is still being investigated there. Well, logically, if a distance of 3 meters is impossible, he would not be hit in a shootout," said Samuel, when interviewed by the tribune at his residence in Sungai Bahar. , Monday (11/7/2022).
Not only that, Samuel also asked the police to be more open, and show CCTV at the scene, if indeed Brigadier Joshua did the shooting first.
According to him, the houses of high-ranking officers should have CCTV and strict surveillance.
"That's a high-ranking officer's house, please show the CCTV," he said.
2. Contact blocked
According to him, another oddity was that, a few hours before the incident, Brigadier Joshua and his family were still communicating intensely.
At that time, the victim's parents along with his younger brother were returning to their hometown, Balige, North Sumatra for a pilgrimage.
Brigadier Joshua always actively commented on every photo he saw posted by his younger brother.
Brigadier Joshua should have wanted to go back to his hometown, but he was in a state of duty.
At that time, Brigadier Joshua was accompanying the family of the high ranking National Police officer to Magelang. Then communicate with his mother he will return to Jakarta.
"At that time, they were still actively chatting, every photo was always commented on. He said it was delicious, he said it was with his sister," explained Samuel.
Then, they also forbade the family to document the condition of the victim when he first arrived at the funeral home.
"At first we were forbidden, but his mother insisted on seeing him and when I saw him I immediately screamed seeing my son's condition, his body was bruised, his eyes looked like they had been stabbed and there were gunshot wounds," he said.
Samuel was devastated by the condition of his son.
He said, , if indeed found fault with his son, should not be treated with it.
"For example, my child is wrong, so don't be tortured like that," he concluded.
Police Explanation
The Police finally spoke about Brigadier Yosua or Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat who was shot dead at the house of the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Friday (8/7/2022).
Apart from gunshot wounds, Brigadier Joshua's body also has slashes.
The National Police explained that the incision in the body of Brigadier Joshua's body was caused by a projectile fired by Bharada E.
This was said by Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Pol Ahmad Ramadhan.
"That incision was caused by ammunition or projectiles fired by Bharada E," he said, Monday (11/7/2022).
Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan explained that the projectile that was fired hit Brigadier Joshua's body, causing a wound like an incision.
According to Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, a shootout occurred between Brigadier Joshua and Bhadara E.
This was triggered by the actions of Brigadier Joshua who allegedly harassed the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Ferdy Sambo.
In addition, said Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Brigadier Yosua also pointed a gun at the head of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife.
"It's true that they abused and pointed a gun with a gun at the head of the head of the Propam Head's wife," he said.
During the shootout, Brigadier Joshua fired seven shots at Bharada E.
Meanwhile, Bharada E responded with a shot.
Brigadier Joshua was killed, while Bharada E was not hit due to taking cover on higher ground.
"Despite five shots, there was one that hit the arm and went through the body. If you say there were seven holes, but in the five shots, there was one shot that hit two parts of the body including the incision," Brigadier General Pol Ahmad Ramadhan explained.
Meanwhile, the shooting case received the attention of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW).
IPW said Brigadier Joshua's body had slashes on his body.
IPAW considers this event quite strange. IPW urged the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to form a Joint Fact-Finding Search Team to investigate the case of Brigadier J's death after being involved in a shootout.