Who is the figure of Barada E who shot the Adjutant of the Head of the Propam Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo? Now Detained at Headquarters

Siapa Sosok Barada E yang Tembak Ajudan Kadiv Propam Polri Irjen Ferdy Sambo? Kini Ditahan di Mabes
Siapa Sosok Barada E yang Tembak Ajudan Kadiv Propam Polri Irjen Ferdy Sambo? Kini Ditahan di Mabes

Who is the figure of Barada E who shot Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat , an aide to the Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo ? 

After shooting and injuring Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat using a sharp weapon, Barada E is now being held at the National Police Headquarters. 

As is known, Brigadier Nopryansah died after 4 bullets penetrated his body and a sharp weapon dropped in his face. 

The incident took place at the official residence of the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo , in Duren Tiga on Friday (8/7/2022) at 17.00 WIB. 

According to the family, Brigadier Nopryansah's body was in a pathetic condition with many wounds on her body. 

From the family's observation, there were 4 gunshot wounds, namely two gunshot wounds to the chest, 1 gunshot wound to the hand and 1 gunshot wound to the neck of the Brimob . 

Not only that, according to the family's narrative, this Brimob member also suffered stab wounds to his eyes, nose, mouth and legs.

This is based on the statement of the victim's family named Rohani Simanjuntak as quoted from the Jambi (Tribunnews.com Network) on Monday (11/7/2022). 

"He's been an aide to Polri officials for 2 years," said Rohani, Monday (11/7/2022) by telephone. 

Rohani is waiting for the chronology of the shooting and the motive for the shooting from the police. 

"Until now, we don't know what the problem is, sir, who the perpetrator is. They only say that the perpetrator has been detained at Headquarters," he said. 

Rohani said the victim arrived in Jambi on Saturday, July 9, 2022. 

"My family and I welcomed them from the airport to the house in Bahar, because at that time his parents were still at home," he said. 

Rohani explained that the victim himself had served for 2 years as an aide to a police official. 

When they arrived at the funeral home, the family was initially not allowed to see the condition of the victim. 

However, the victim's mother insisted on seeing her child's condition before being buried. 

At that time, the family saw the victim's body was full of wounds. 

"Yes, at first it was not allowed, but the mother said she wanted to see how her child was," he explained. 

The victim is planned to be buried today, Monday, July 11, 2022. 

Brigadier Joshua is a resident of Jambi , precisely in Bahar District, Muaro Jambi Province Jambi . 

The Head of the Sub-Division of Community Information (Penmas) of the Jambi , Kompol Mas Edy, confirmed that the dead member was a Jambi . 

State Police School (SPN) Jambi in 2012

"It is true that Jambi graduated from SPN Jambi in 2012," he said briefly. 

The victim is a member of the Mobile Brigade Police 

Brigpol Norpryansah Yosua Hutabarat is an aide to the Head of the Propam Division at the National Police Headquarters, currently Inspector General Ferdy Sambo . 

The victim's family, Rohani Simanjuntak, explained that Police Brigadier Joshua had served for 2 years as an aide to Polri officials. 

"He's an aide to the Propam Kadiv, Mr. Ferdy Sambo , it's been 2 years," said Rohani. 

Police version chronology 

Police Headquarters revealed the moments of the death of a police member named Brigpol Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J during a shootout with a fellow police member with the initials Barada E. 

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that initially Brigadier J entered the official residence of the National Police Headquarters official. 

"Short incidents like this. At that time Brigadier J's brother was in or entered the house of a Police Officer in the official housing complex in Duren Tiga," Ramadhan told reporters on Monday (11/7/2022).

After that, continued Ramadhan, Barada E , who was in charge of guarding the house, reprimanded the victim's presence in the official residence.

Suddenly, Brigadier J took out his firearm and fired it at Barada E .

"At that time the person concerned (Brigadier J) brandished his weapon and then fired and Barada E certainly avoided and returned fire to Brigadier J," he explained.

"As a result of the shooting carried out by Barada E , Brigadier J died," he said.

Furthermore, Ramadhan has not been able to reveal in detail the motives and causes of Brigadier J being at the official residence.

"The body has been brought to his family in Jambo and Barada E has been secured for further processing. We will convey the development or update later," he explained.

Buried Body

Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat was buried in a public cemetery in Sukamakmur Village, RT 8, Simpang Unit 1, Sungai Bahar, Muaro Jambi Regency, Monday (11/7/2022).

The family regretted that Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat was not dispatched and was buried with a police ceremony.

"We are disappointed, he said he wanted to be escorted and buried by the police from Brimob, apparently there was none. We are just a family without any police escort," said Rohani Simanjuntak, when interviewed by the Jambi at the burial site, Monday (11/7/2022).

At that time, said Rohani, the police asked the family's request before the funeral.

At that time, said Rohani, the family had to be buried by the police, and then the team came from Police Headquarters.

However, on the day of the funeral there was no police funeral procession, as usual.

Rohani heard that the instructions came from the National Police Headquarters so that a police funeral would not be carried out.

"Those who ask, what is the family's request. The victim's mother or my sister said they wanted to be buried by the police and they agreed," said Rohani.

"But, even at the funeral, there was none at all. Yes, we are disappointed," he said.

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