Three Rare Space Phenomena from June 14 to July 14, What are they?

Tiga Fenomena Antariksa Langka Periode 14 Juni-14 Juli, Apa Saja?

In the next month or from June 14 to July 14, three rare space phenomena will occur.

In the next month or from June 14 to July 14, three space quite rare

The three rare phenomena are: Full Strawberry Supermoon, New Strawberry Supermoon, and Full Buck Supermoon.

Researcher from the Space Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency ( BRIN ) Andi Pangerang explained that the Super Strawberry Supermoon (Full Strawberry Supermoon) is a full moon that occurs in June. 

Read also : Beware of the Impact of the Rare Micro New Moon Phenomenon Flanked by 2 Supermoons

Full Buck Superrmoon is a full moon that occurs in July. This definition is also used for the new moon phase.

“The name comes from The Farmer's Almanac (American Farmer's Almanac). In June, the harvest of strawberries is carried out, while in July the young stag begins to grow its antlers. So this naming actually comes from the season markers and animal behavior that appears at certain seasons for Native Americans," he said in a press statement, Saturday (11/6/2022).

Andi explained that the real cause of the full moon this time was special because it coincided with the Super Full Moon (Full Supermoon) or technically called the Perigeal Full Moon (Perigeal Full Moon). 

Meanwhile, the Strawberry New Moon coincides with the New Micromoon or the Apogeal New Moon.

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“This time the Micro New Moon is flanked by two Super Full Moons that occur on two consecutive months. This phenomenon last occurred in 2004 and 2013. So it can be said that this phenomenon occurs once every nine years. This phenomenon will occur again in 2031 and 2040," he explained.

In more detail, Andi explained that the Super Strawberry Purnama will occur on June 14 at 18.51 WIB / 19.51 WITA / 20.51 WIT at a distance of 357,368 KM.

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The Micro Strawberry New Moon will occur on June 29 at 09.52 WIB/10.52 WITA/11.52 WIT, at a distance of 406,569 KM.

Then, the Super Rusa Purnama will occur on July 14 at 01:57 WIB/02:57 WITA/03:57 WIT at a distance of 357,418 KM.

Andi added that the Micro Strawberry New Moon could not be seen before sunrise because it rose later than the sun and the moon's surface facing the earth was not exposed to sunlight so it looked dark.

"To witness this phenomenon, people just point their eyes in the direction of sunrise to sunset at a predetermined time. This phenomenon can be observed without the need for any optical instrument, unless you want to capture it in the form of photos or videos,” he explained.

Read also : Witness the Beautiful Strawberry Moon Full Moon Phenomenon, June 14, 2022

As in the new moon phase in general, Andi said, the Super Strawberry Purnama, Micro Strawberry New Moon, and Super Deer Full Moon can cause higher tides than usual days.

"There is a sun-earth-moon configuration or it could be sun-moon-earth that are in a line position, causing bigger tides. Moreover, this configuration is also strengthened by the moon which is at its closest point to the earth," he said.

The highest sea tides will occur on June 14 and July 14, so it is recommended for fishermen not to go to sea two days before and two days after the peak of this phenomenon, which is between June 12 to 16, and July 12 to 16.

"This calculation only considers astronomical factors without looking at sea waves caused by wind storms." Andi continued.

He also reminded that the astronomical tides on June 29 also need to be considered.

“The tidal force during a Micro New Moon is 52 percent of the tidal force during a Super New Moon. It is also necessary to watch out for these sea tides between two days before and two days after the peak of this phenomenon, which is between 27 June to 1 July 2022," he concluded. 

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