Anticipating the Entry of Omicron Subvariants, DIY Local Government Encourages Booster Vaccinations

The local government of DIY anticipates the inclusion of the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants. Anticipatory steps are being taken, for example accelerating booster vaccinations and strengthening screening at the entrance of international arrivals at the airport.

The Regional Government of DI Yogyakarta has taken a number of steps to anticipate the entry of the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants. Anticipatory steps taken include accelerating booster and strengthening screening at the entrance of international arrivals at the airport.

Head of the DIY Health Office, Pembajun Setyaningastutie, stated that as of Saturday (11/6/2022), there had not been any cases of subvariant Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 found in DIY. However, the DIY Regional Government continues to take a number of anticipatory steps, for example by encouraging the acceleration of booster vaccination.

coverage again booster . Our second and first vaccinations are good. Hopefully later the booster also increase,” said Pembajun, Saturday, in Yogyakarta.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health on the website, as of Saturday at 18.00, the first dose of vaccination in Yogyakarta had reached 112.2 percent of the target. The coverage of the second dose of vaccination in the province reached 104.14 percent. However, the third dose or booster in DIY only reached 34.48 percent. 

Pembajun said, one of the efforts to encourage acceleration is to coordinate with educational institutions, both universities and schools. This is to speed up vaccination among students and students. Moreover, many students studying in DIY come from other regions.

"For example, UGM (University of Gadjah Mada), many students are starting to come for face-to-face meetings. Efforts are made to do a booster for students who haven't received a booster, " said Pembajun. 

The DIY Health Office also coordinates with the DIY Education, Youth and Sports Office (Dikpora) to speed up booster vaccinations among students. In implementing the vaccination, the DIY Health Office will also cooperate with other institutions, such as the DIY Regional State Intelligence Agency.

In addition to encouraging booster vaccinations, Pelajun explained, the DIY Health Office will also coordinate with the Port Health Office (KKP) to tighten the screening process at the entrance of international arrivals at Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo Regency, DIY. 

The tightening is done because one of the potential entry of the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants is from overseas visitors. Screening is carried out by checking temperature and checking whether the foreign visitor has symptoms that lead to Covid-19 or not.

"We are working with the Port Health Office to further increase screening," said Pembajun.

WGS Check

On the other hand, the DIY Health Office has also prepared a number of laboratories to conduct whole genome sequencing (WGS) examinations. The WGS examination was carried out to identify whether the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants had entered DIY or not.

Currently, said Pembajun, there are several institutions in DIY that have laboratories that can perform WGS, for example the Center for Environmental Health Engineering and Disease Control (BBTKLPP) Yogyakarta, the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, and the General Hospital. Center (RSUP) Dr Sardjito.

Pembajun added that the DIY Health Office will also coordinate with the district/city health offices in the province to send samples of people suspected of being infected with Omicron. The samples will be sent to the laboratory for WGS examination to determine whether they are infected with the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants or not. 

Based on data from the DIY Health Office, at the end of May and early June, the number of Covid-19 cases in DIY increased. On May 28, 2022, for example, there were 24 new cases of Covid-19 in Yogyakarta in a day. One day later, there were 14 new cases in DIY.

On May 31, 2022, the number of new cases of Covid-19 in DIY was 13 cases. Then, on June 1, the number of Covid-19 cases in DIY jumped to 43 cases in a day. However, after that, the number of Covid-19 cases in DIY decreased by less than 10 cases per day.

The Head of Public Relations of the DIY Regional Government, Ditya Nanaryo Aji, said that the increase in Covid-19 cases was due to the screening of Covid-19 tests for students in Bantul Regency, DIY. The screening is carried out for students who will take part in face-to-face learning after Lebaran. 

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