OJK: Soon there will be a Blibli IPO

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) said that e-commerce Blibli.com (PT Global Digital Niaga), a company belonging to the Djarum Group, will soon be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

Blibli's plan to enter the stock exchange through an initial public offering ( of 18.15 IPO one ) is 57 companies listed in the pipeline trillion. .

Deputy Commissioner for Capital Market Supervision I OJK, Djustini Septiana said that currently technology-based stock offerings are still rife. "Indeed, have and decacorn companies unicorn n't done many IPOs, but when they make an offer, the value is quite high, up to trillions and soon there will be Blibli," he explained in Jakarta, Tuesday (14/6/2022).

Djustini emphasized that of the 57 companies that entered the pipeline , the technology sector was the largest sector in terms of the targeted amount of funds, which was around Rp 7.36 trillion, which came from 8 companies.

Then, there are 4 companies from the energy sector with a target of Rp 5.67 trillion in funds. Then, 13 companies from the non-cyclical consumer are 13 companies with a target fund of Rp 2.59 trillion.

In the transportation and logistics sector, OJK pocketed as many as 3 companies that will IPO with a target fund of Rp 729.7 billion, 6 companies from the infrastructure sector of Rp 404.45 billion, and 5 companies from the basic materials Rp 372.67 billion. 

Not to forget, there are 7 companies from the consumer cyclical , 3 companies from the property and real estate sector, and 3 companies from the industrial sector that are targeting funds of Rp 342.1 billion, Rp 249.33 billion and 129.7 billion, respectively. The last two sectors, namely 2 companies from the health and financial sectors, each target IPO funds of Rp 102.81 billion and 89.81 billion.

Regarding Blibli's IPO, as previously reported, the target fund is said to reach US$ 500 million or around Rp 7.2 trillion. The IPO is rumored to be taking place in July 2022. Blibli has appointed Credit Suisse First Boston (CSBF) and Morgan Stanley to assist with the corporate action. 

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