Instagram Stories has become one of the most successful features on Instagram.
Although the idea was copied from Snapchat, the popularity of the Stories feature has made Instagram one of the most popular social media platforms.
Until now, the Instagram Stories feature is still a user's favorite feature.
The popularity of the stories feature makes Instagram want to make changes to the user experience (UX) of Instagram Stories.
Reporting from 9to5mac, Instagram is reportedly testing a new Stories layout that can hide excessive uploads or spam.
Brazilian techno blogger Phil Ricelle revealed that the Instagram app now only shows 3 Stories shared by other people.
This is in stark contrast to the previous conditions which allowed users to display up to 100 Instagram Stories at once
The popularity of the stories feature makes Instagram want to make changes to the user experience (UX) of Instagram Stories.
Reporting from 9to5mac, Instagram is reportedly testing a new Stories layout that can hide excessive uploads or spam.
Brazilian techno blogger Phil Ricelle revealed that the Instagram app now only shows 3 Stories shared by other people.
This is in stark contrast to the previous conditions which allowed users to display up to 100 Instagram Stories at once
The screenshot uploaded by Phil Ricelle above shows that Instagram only displays 3 Stories out of a total of 33 uploaded Stories.
To view all uploaded Stories, the user must click the "Show All" button.
If the user doesn't press the button, Instagram will automatically jump to the next person's story.
This new layout brings major changes to how Instagram Stories work.
This is because users are used to tapping the screen to view all Stories from an account.
This change will also impact creator, influencer and business accounts where they will lose a lot of views for Stories sequence 4 and beyond.
This indirectly limits creator accounts from uploading multiple Stories at once.
On the other hand, the new layout for Instagram Stories makes it look more presentable.
Additionally, limiting the number of Stories the app displays will allow users to view posts from more users.
It's worth noting that Instagram is currently testing the new Stories layout on a small group of users.
It's likely that Instagram will still provide some changes before rolling it out to the general public.
What do you think about this new layout for Instagram Stories ? Share in the comments column yes!
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