The KKN horror film in Penari Village reached 7 million viewers in 19 days of screening.
The number of viewers officially marks the KKN in Penari Village as the highest-grossing Indonesian film of all time.
After achieving great success, MD Pictures as the KKN film production house in Penari Village will work on a similar film.
According to reports, MD Pictures will be working on a horror film titled ' Sewu Dino ', which is inspired by the Thread or Twitter thread written by the SimpleMan .
As is known, KKN in the Dancing Village originally also came from Twitter thread written by the SimpleMan account.
The thread then became viral and was widely discussed by the people of the country.
This provoked the interest of MD Pictures to adapt it into a feature film.
Now the same step will be taken by MD Pictures, namely by presenting Thread Sewu Dino as a film that airs in theaters .
Just like the KKN film in the Dancer Village , Twitter thread Sewu Dino written SimpleMan in 2019 is also viral and has been widely discussed by netizens.
For information, Sewu Dino itself means "1,000 Days" in Javanese.
Sewu Dino's story is said to be more sinister than KKN in Penari Village because it raises the issue of the black magic war (witchcraft) between families.
Therefore, there are many Indonesian people who hope that the national film production house will turn Sewu Dino into a feature film.
CEO of MD Pictures , Manoj Punjabi, spoke about the public's request to turn Sewu Dino's Twitter thread into a film.
Manoj confirmed that MD Pictures will work on Sewu Dino into a film and is currently still writing the script.
"Yes, totally correct. Again in the scenario stage, the script (writing) stage. It's been a long time since the decision (to broadcast Sewu Dino)," said Manoj .
Manoj also explained his reasons for adapting the horror story of Sewu Dino into a film.
One of them, Manoj assessed that Sewu Dino would be able to captivate the audience.
's story Sewu Dino is very interesting and different from the KKN in Penari Village , even though both were written by SimpleMan .
“Sewu Dino is not a true story, but his writing looks really real, relatable can happen. Like the way he writes, it's really fun to read," said Manoj.
“This is different, this is something I just read. If we want to be more divided (from KKN in the Dancing Village), we can see if the audience has taste. Having an exciting audience is also cool," he continued.
With that in mind, Manoj is sure that the Sewu Dino film will be successful if it is made into the big screen.
However, Manoj cannot confirm when the Sewu Dino film will be released.
The plan is that the filming process for the film Sewu Dino will begin in August 2022.
"It's not certain (when it will air), but we plan to shoot this year soon. But for when it will air, there is no certainty," said Manoj.
Manoj said that he is still waiting for the script to be finished and finalised. After that, his party will start looking for players and immediately shoot.
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