Portal Series Writer Wants Valve to Immediately Create Portal 3 Before He Gets Old

Usually successful games have lots of sequels because of the many demands to continue the story from the first game to the point where gamers are getting fed up with endless sequels.

However, Valve took a different path, where all the games did not reach number 3, even though almost all of the games are masterpieces that are still a memory for those who play them.Like one of the Portals, which has gameplay with challenging but still interesting puzzles, where during the second iteration we can Co-Op with our friends to solve the puzzle.

It turns out that the author of the Portal series also wants Valve to immediately make a third series before he gets older, and reduces his ability to make the game.

The author of the Portal series wants to make a sequel soon because he's worried he's too old to work on it

We got this from interview with Erik Wolpaw via KiwiTalkz, the video of which we have included below. 

Erik Wolpaw as a former Co-Writer of the game Portal said that he was afraid that he would be too old when for example they returned to work on the game. Not only him, he was also worried that the original team working on Portal 2 would also be too old to do it.

Unfortunately, he also knows that Valve will certainly prefer to do things that are able to generate more money, compared to working on new games that will not necessarily produce more or as big as the current Valve game.

Erik said also to take 75 people out of 300 employees at Valve, of course there will be a risk that again, does not make more money than his new Portal game.

Give an example of a CSGO that makes a lot of money to Valve

One example of a game that is Erik's main concern is Counter Strike: Global Offensive, where this game is indeed a source of money for Valve besides Dota 2 of course. 

Erik ends by saying that indeed Portal 3 may not be as profitable as CSGO, but he believes that not all games have to be the same as CSGO.  He also hopes that Gaben will hear this and start the production process soon.

What do you think?  Do you want Portal 3 soon?  Or do you think the game is enough to reach the second series?  Guess if for example Portal 3 has happened, what game from Valve would you like to have a third series?

 Source: Eurogamer and Kotaku

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