Blizzard Announces New World of Warcraft Dragonflight Expansion!

Blizzard recently announced the latest update for the World of Warcraft game.  This latest update is Dragonflight.  Dragonflight is the 9th expansion of one of the biggest MMORPG games from Blizzard.

Telling the story of a forgotten race from the world of Azeroth, Players can now visit Dragon Isles which is the home of the dragons.  The dragons of Azeroth summon all their friends and other races to fight against a dangerous threat that has mysteriously arisen.

World of Warcraft Dragonflight New Features

Players will be able to visit Dragon Isles later. And with this new map, Blizzard also increases the level cap to 70 and players can visit Dragon Isles areas such as Ohn'ahran Plains, Thaldraszus and many more.

Not only the new map, this expansion also presents the latest Race/Class, namely Dractyr. This race only has 1 class, namely Evoker. Drakthyr has 2 forms, namely humanoid form and draconic form. Players can customize for both forms freely.

Evoker itself is a class that is quite unique with specialization healers and ranged damage dealers. And what's interesting about this Evoker is that players can transform into a very cool Draconic form. 

Of course, if the update is related to dragons, there will definitely be Dragonriding. And in this latest expansion, players can ride dragons to explore the world of World of Warcraft. Players can also change the appearance and improve the skills of their dragons so they can fly higher and faster.

The talent system has also been completely overhauled so that players can more freely develop their talents. Players can choose the talent choices freely so that they can determine the best for them.

The in-game professions have also been updated. Players can use the specialization system and become more effective workers. Players can also order gear through other players to craft. 

And the last feature for this expansion is the new HUD UI which is designed to be simpler for WoW players. Of course, the latest HUD UI is freer so it's easier to access and use by players.

For additional information regarding this expansion, players can access the official World of Warcraft website. The progress of this expansion can also be seen on the website. Are you ready to explore Dragon Isles, guys? 

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