7 Female Game Characters Inspired by Historical Figures and Tragedy

Not a few who make the game as a medium to convey history. The heroic actions presented through the video games they play invite admiration. Heroic actions don't always come from men, but women can also display cool looks like male superheroes.

Unfortunately, not all characters are given the same name as the original character. So, in this case, the author will share 7 female game characters who are inspired by historical figures and tragedies. Let's see together!

7. Female Game Character “Polina Petrova” from Call of Duty: Vanguard Inspired by Lyudmila Pavlichenko 

character game we will discuss is Lieutenant Polina Borisovna Petrova is the only female character in Call of Duty: Vanguard. She is a woman who doesn't talk much. However, when he opened his mouth, it felt 'hakdess' in his heart.

He lost his father and brother when the Nazis came to attack Stalingard, his hometown. Her greatest loss is what makes the 'Lady Nightingale' even more compelled to execute her opponent.

Although there is no Soviet soldier named Polina, this tough female character was actually inspired by a female sniper named " Lyudmila Pavlichenko " who was nicknamed "Lady Death". As a sniper, he is feared by his opponents thanks to his precise accuracy.

At least, the characters Polina and Lyudmila have a lot in common. Where they learned to sing from a young age and insisted on becoming avant-garde soldiers rather than nurses during the war.

6. Farah Karim from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a Female Game Character Inspired by Syria's Women's Defense Unit 

Just like Polina, Farah Ahmed Karim is one of the female fighters in franchise that first appeared in Modern Warfare. He also experienced the loss of his parents during the Russian occupation of Urzikstan.

He is a commander of the Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF), a military movement that aims to make Urzikstan independent from foreign military occupation. The movement that was formed by Farah in 2010 is not only fighting against enemy forces, but also protecting citizens from terror throughout Urzikstan such as Al-Qatala.

The figure of the ULF commander was inspired by the female army troops in Syria named Yekîneyên Parastina Jin? (YPJ) which in English means Women's Protection Units or Women's Defense Units.

The number of female soldiers in the YPJ is not small. In August 2017 this unit had 24,000 people. The beautiful faces at YPJ joined the war. Their action is an act of defending the country, fighting and sacrificing for the country, having a patriotic spirit.

5. Who Doesn't Know Joan of Arc? Joanna Dark was inspired by her, you know! 

Joanna Dark becomes a game which we will discuss next. He is the main character of the video game Perfect Dark. Joanna is described as a talented shooter, and a deadly melee fighter. He also has a high sensitivity to the dangers that come.

He has a high curiosity, even so, he does not easily put trust in others. Especially those who deal with companies. In short, he is a top agent working under a secret R&D organization.

Just by hearing her name, we can all guess who this female agent character was inspired by. Joanna Dark was inspired by a proud French warrior woman, Joan of Arc , the Maid of Orléans.

In fact, the mention of Joanna's name itself is already similar to the French pronunciation of "Jeanne D'Arc". She was a female soldier who rebuilt the fighting spirit of France. Unfortunately, he was captured and executed by the Burgundian soldiers.

4. Hunter Identity V “Bloody Queen” Inspired by Marie Antoinette 

The next female game character comes from mobile horror-survival , Bloody Queen . He is one of the hunters who is identical with his ability to use a mirror to catch survivors.

The Bloody Queen's real name is Mary. He has pale skin that is almost blue, his mane is white with grayish highlights. In addition, her eyes are jet black and her lips are decorated with blood-like red lipstick.

The Bloody Queen character is inspired by the original story of Queen Marie Antoinette . When her husband ascended the throne to become king, Marie was also made queen consort of France and Navvara. Due to the massive public attention at that time, the Queen lived a life of extravagance, so she was nicknamed 'The Wasteful Queen'.

When the French Revolution was turbulent, people flocked to blame the government of King Louis XVI which was considered incompetent because France was experiencing a severe monetary crisis. So the king had to be tried in January 1793.

Marie was also dragged into it. He was accused of treason, theft of the royal treasury, and the abuse of his own son. The false accusation made the Queen shocked, so shocked, the Queen's mane instantly turned white overnight. This is the main reason why Bloody Queen's default design has a white mane.

3. Galatea from Identity V is also inspired by original characters, you know! 

Sculptor or commonly known as “ Galatea ” is one of the hunters in Identity V who is present in Season 20. The video release itself has explained that Galatea is a ' crazy ' sculptor.

According to the Identity V community, Galatea's character is most likely inspired by the famous sculptor " Camille Claudel ". He is a French sculptor who has an affair with the famous artist, Rodin.

His work, which is difficult for the public to accept because of its sexual elements, makes Camille dependent on Rodin. Whether it's collaborating, signing works, and financial assistance. Long story short, Camille decides to leave Rodin due to turmoil in their relationship.

Instead of glow up after breaking up, Camille went crazy. He showed signs of paranoia and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Not only that, he also accused Rodin of stealing his idea and leading a conspiracy to kill him. Due to the madness, Camille was rushed to a mental hospital by her family.

2. This Tragic Story of “Ann” Hunter Identity V Adopts a Story in Salem City 

The female game character that we will discuss next is still from the Hunter Game Identity V list. This tall, tall figure is named Ann with the nickname "Disciple". Fun fact , his presence in Identity V was not long after the rise of Valak from The Nun who was trending at the time.

So, don't be surprised if fans also call it by another name "Valak". Unlike the others, Ann's figure is not inspired by one specific character like other female game characters. But the story of the Disciple's past which can be said to be inspired by the tragedy " The Salem Witch Trial ". The biggest tragedy in the city of Salem was caused by residents who ' lack of picnics '.

The Salem Witch Trial tragedy occurred in the United States. If you look at the laws of this Motherland as dull as a knife, it's not comparable to the 'stupidity' of American citizens in the 16th century. Where people suspected of being witches should be put to death. What is the measuring instrument? There is no. If they don't like you, then you're a witch. If you don't admit that you will be executed, you will also be executed immediately.

This tragedy began in the 1680-1690s, where there were two girls who had a fight and got a mysterious disease. The 'doctor' at the time said that this was the work of a witch. As a result of this lack of picnics, dozens of people died in vain.

1. Violette Summer is indeed the Game Version of Violette Szabo 

character game last female Players assume the role of Violette Summer , a British Secret Intelligence Service spy operating deep behind enemy lines, trying to help thwart the Nazi war effort.

Summer manages to carry out several missions successfully before being mortally wounded by a sniper on a mission to kill Kamm, a Nazi military intelligence officer. Violette Summer is actually inspired by the figure of Violette Szabo , the youngest female double agent ever.

Violette Szabo's courage, beauty and short life made her a legend. Just like Summer in Velvet Assassin, Szabo is a secret agent who moves directly to gather information thanks to his excellent linguistic abilities.

Unfortunately, Szabo was captured by the Germans, depleting all of his ammunition when gunfire broke out. After being caught, he was taken to Ravensbruck to be executed in 1945. It is known that Szabo was 23 years old at the time.

Those are 7 female game characters inspired by historical figures and tragedies. Which do you think is the most interesting? 

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