SNK Online Shop Site Officially Closes in 2022!

We know that SNK is a video game that has been operating in Japan since 1978. With the development of technology, they have launched a shopping site called SNK Online Shop, where the site sells various kinds of action figures , merchandise, and much more. However, this time have gamers to swallow disappointment, because online will be closed in the near future.

You see, why SNK Online Shop want to close, bro? Let's not be more curious, let's see below!

Regarding the Closing of the SNK Online Shop Site 

On the official website , it has been confirmed that the SNK Online Shop will be closed this year. Of course this is surprising news for gamers, where this site has sold a lot of figures from their famous games. These figures also include exclusives, such as Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, King of Fighters , and more. 

Besides action figures, SNK Online Shop also provides other knick-knacks related to their game. Art books, Acrylic stands, plush dolls, games, and even clothes are also available on this site. This news emerged shortly after SNK announced the latest merchandise Metal Slug X Acrylic stands consisting of Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio. stand is priced at 1,222 Yen or around 137,121 Rupiah and will be shipped in May 2022. In addition, they last sold the Samurai Shodown IV Acrylic stand, acrylic hanger King of Fighters and merchandise from NeoGeo.

But don't worry, can gamers still buy merchandise and more on the SNK Online Shop until May 31, 2022. This site will officially stop operating on June 17, 2022 later. Since this article was written, there is still no further information on why SNK wants to close it, so let's just wait for update , bro!

( Source: Siliconera

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