3 Types of Rest Areas and Their Differences, Loyal Toll Road Users Must Know

Not a few of you who read this article have certainly passed through toll roads , especially long toll roads between cities and provinces. Toll roads like this have rest areas that are deliberately placed in strategic locations to rest for a while. But did you know that there are different types of rest areas along toll roads?


Rest area, or the official term Rest and Service Area, is a place where drivers can rest for a while. With the available facilities, it makes it a convenient location to unwind and refresh the body.

There are three types of existing rest areas in Indonesia, as stated in the official website bpjt.pu.go.id . Here's more.

Different Types of Rest Area

Type A

Has a large area and complete facilities. Available facilities include ATMs, toilets, gas stations, health clinics, workshops, minimarkets, prayer rooms, kiosks, parking lots, green open spaces, and restaurants. This type is the most complete and large type for rest areas in Indonesia.

Type B

It is a type of rest area with a smaller area than Type A. Inside this type of rest area, there are several facilities available, ranging from ATMs, toilets, stalls or kiosks, minimarkets, prayer rooms, restaurants, green open spaces, and parking lots. This rest area is widely spread throughout the toll road.

Type C 

When viewed from the size of the area, Type C tends to be smaller than Type A or Type B. However, the facilities provided are still quite complete, starting from toilets, stalls or kiosks, prayer rooms, and temporary parking spaces. This type tends to be operated as a support rest area, when the road has a heavy volume of vehicles on a certain day.

Basically, every rest area has the same function, namely as a place to rest while driving. Ideally, break times are taken every 3 or 4 hours of travel, so that the vehicle engine and the driver and passengers can rest for a while.

Those were the different types of rest areas in Indonesia. Hopefully it will be useful information for you, and good luck with your activities!

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