A sea of people descended upon Tanjung Aan Beach in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), on Thursday (29/2/2024) to capture sea worms or "nyale" ahead of the grand Bau Nyale event of 2024, set to unfold from Thursday night until Friday morning (1/3/2024).
Edi Suriansyah (26) shared that the nyale started emerging since Wednesday morning (28/2/2024). The locals of Lombok believe that these sea worms are the incarnations of Princess Mandalika.
"It's been two days since the nyale began appearing," said a resident of Kateng Village, West Praya, Central Lombok, on Thursday (29/2/2024).
According to Edi, some residents speculate that there might not be a substantial emergence of nyale during the actual Bau Nyale event. This is because the sea worms have already been surfacing for two days.
Head of the Tourism Office of Central Lombok, Lalu Sungkul, mentioned that many locals were catching nyale using boats. This, in turn, has led to a decrease in the number of nyale appearing on the shores of Kuta Mandalika Beach.
Sungkul advised that locals should wait for the nyale along the coastline, rather than venturing into the open sea. "They should not search in the middle of the sea," he expressed.
Sungkul expressed concern that the number of nyale reaching the shores during the 2024 Bau Nyale event might decrease due to locals starting the hunt today. Furthermore, some individuals are hunting for nyale even in the open sea using nets.
Moving forward, Sungkul mentioned that the 2024 Bau Nyale event would be attended by thousands of participants from NTB, Australia, and other countries. The participation of international attendees serves as proof that the nyale hunting activity is a captivating draw for tourists.
Sea Worms Lombok, Nyale Emergence 2024, Bau Nyale Event, Tanjung Aan Beach, Central Lombok Tourism, Princess Mandalika Legend, Sea Worm Hunting, Kuta Mandalika Beach, Lombok Cultural Event, International Participants, Sea Worm Gathering, Tourist Attraction NTB
#SeaWormsLombok, #Nyale2024, #BauNyaleEvent, #TanjungAanBeach, #CentralLombokTourism, #PrincessMandalikaLegend, #SeaWormHunting, #KutaMandalikaBeach, #LombokCulturalEvent, #InternationalParticipants, #SeaWormGathering, #TouristAttractionNTB
Edi Suriansyah (26) shared that the nyale started emerging since Wednesday morning (28/2/2024). The locals of Lombok believe that these sea worms are the incarnations of Princess Mandalika.
"It's been two days since the nyale began appearing," said a resident of Kateng Village, West Praya, Central Lombok, on Thursday (29/2/2024).
According to Edi, some residents speculate that there might not be a substantial emergence of nyale during the actual Bau Nyale event. This is because the sea worms have already been surfacing for two days.
Head of the Tourism Office of Central Lombok, Lalu Sungkul, mentioned that many locals were catching nyale using boats. This, in turn, has led to a decrease in the number of nyale appearing on the shores of Kuta Mandalika Beach.
Sungkul advised that locals should wait for the nyale along the coastline, rather than venturing into the open sea. "They should not search in the middle of the sea," he expressed.
Sungkul expressed concern that the number of nyale reaching the shores during the 2024 Bau Nyale event might decrease due to locals starting the hunt today. Furthermore, some individuals are hunting for nyale even in the open sea using nets.
Moving forward, Sungkul mentioned that the 2024 Bau Nyale event would be attended by thousands of participants from NTB, Australia, and other countries. The participation of international attendees serves as proof that the nyale hunting activity is a captivating draw for tourists.
Sea Worms Lombok, Nyale Emergence 2024, Bau Nyale Event, Tanjung Aan Beach, Central Lombok Tourism, Princess Mandalika Legend, Sea Worm Hunting, Kuta Mandalika Beach, Lombok Cultural Event, International Participants, Sea Worm Gathering, Tourist Attraction NTB
#SeaWormsLombok, #Nyale2024, #BauNyaleEvent, #TanjungAanBeach, #CentralLombokTourism, #PrincessMandalikaLegend, #SeaWormHunting, #KutaMandalikaBeach, #LombokCulturalEvent, #InternationalParticipants, #SeaWormGathering, #TouristAttractionNTB
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