Just Graduated from College and Want to Find a Job? These 10 Hard Skills You Must Have

Graduating with cum laude from a top university doesn't guarantee you can get a job right away. The reason is, every year there are thousands of new graduates who are looking for work. In fact, you may also have to compete with experienced job seekers who have a greater chance of being accepted.

Lulus dengan nilai cumlaude dari universitas ternama tidak menjamin kamu bisa langsung mendapatkan pekerjaan. Pasalnya, setiap tahun ada ribuan lulusan sarjana baru yang mencari kerja. Bahkan kalian mungkin juga harus bersaing dengan pencari kerja berpengalaman yang berpeluang lebih besar untuk diterima.  Untuk bisa bersaing dengan para pelamar lain, tentu kamu harus memiliki kemampuan yang lebih unggul dibanding dengan yang lain.

To be able to compete with other applicants, of course you must have superior abilities compared to others. and Your soft skills hard skills cannot be lower than your competitors.

Soft skill itself is an ability whose value tends to be subjective. Examples of these soft skills include the ability to think creatively, how to communicate, problem solving , critical thinking, teamwork , to leadership .

Meanwhile, hard skills are abilities that can be assessed with certainty. Hard skills can usually be learned from many things, starting from school, reading books, attending training, and so on.

When compared to soft skills , hard skills are easier to see, measure, and evaluate. For example, the final grades of college, the ability to design a product, language skills, and so forth.

There is much debate about which of these two abilities is more important. Soft skills are often considered better than hard skills because they are more difficult to learn. This ability usually grows with experience and maturity.

Even so, there are not a few job recipients who also give high consideration to hard skills . So, for those of you who have just graduated from college or are in your final year, here are 10 important hard skills that you must master to start your career as reported by the official Instagram of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology-Kemendikbudristek RI @ditjen.dikti.

1. Analytical ability

2. Team management

3. High level IT skills

4. Project management

5. Basic computer knowledge

6. Marketing

7. Customer service capabilities

8. Writing

9. Presentation skills

10. Graphic design

So for those of you who are just about to start a career, which of the various abilities above have you mastered? 

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