Which industries have the highest salary increase and biggest bonus in 2022?

The seminar to announce the salary and bonus survey report in 2022 has just taken place, announcing important information about the professions with the highest salary increases, expected to pay the largest bonuses in 2022.

The seminar to announce the Talentnet-Mercer 2022 salary and bonus survey report took place in Jakarta on the morning of October 7 and Bandung City on October 6. The workshop announced the report on the results of the salary and bonus survey in 2022 (referred to as the TRS Survey).

Talentnet-Mercer's survey this year attracted the participation of more businesses than last year, with more than 600 companies in 17 different industries and more than 3,300 positions from more than 483,000 employees across Indonesia . This year, there is a new industry participating in the survey, which is the renewable energy industry - an industry that many young Indonesia  people are interested in.

What industries do employees leave the most?

According to the report of Talentnet-Mercer 2022, the turnover rate in the first 6 months of 2022 is 11.9% for domestic companies and 8% for foreign companies. 

The top 3 industries with the highest percentage of employees leaving voluntarily are retail 15.6%, real estate 12.7%, and manufacturing 10.1 %. This is also understandable because these three industries are most affected by the Covid-19 epidemic and possess a large and diverse workforce.

Meanwhile, the group of 3 industries with the lowest unemployment rate are oil and gas, renewable energy and chemicals. These three industry groups are less affected by the epidemic along with good salaries compared to the common ground and special and highly specialized recruitment requirements.

Which industries have the highest salary growth?

According to the report, in 2023, only 5 companies participating in the survey will "freeze" salary increases , in which all Indonesia  companies are expected to increase wages for employees.

It is predicted that the salary increase trend in 2023 of multinational enterprises and Indonesia  enterprises will have no difference and will both grow at 7.1%, gradually returning to the level before the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic. This is a positive signal of economic recovery.

The report also shows that the top 3 industry groups with the highest wage growth are high technology (up 8.88%), insurance (up 8.2%), pharmaceuticals and medical equipment (up 7.6%). %).

Meanwhile, the group of 3 industries with the lowest wage growth were oil and gas and mining (up 3.6%), manufacturing (6.1%) and retail (up 6.2%).

For Indonesia  businesses, real estate is the highest paying industry group. This is also the only industry in which Indonesia  enterprises pay higher wages than foreign ones because of the need to understand Indonesia  regulations and laws as well as the multi-sector development plan of this group of businesses.

Notably, the salary and bonus report in 2022 shows that, for the first time in many years, the starting salary of new graduates from Indonesia universities and international students at foreign universities is equal (approximately approx. 10.6 million VND/month).

Which industry group will pay the biggest bonus?

In the group of foreign enterprises, the financial sector includes: Banks and non-banks (including consumer lending companies , investment funds, securities, fund management, etc.) is expected to be the highest in 2022, the bonus rate is from 43% to 20.8% of the basic salary of the year.

The sector with the third highest expected bonus is agriculture, with a bonus rate of 20.3% of the annual base salary.

Meanwhile, the industry groups with the lowest expected bonus ratio are retail (10.9%), renewable energy (14.2%) and transport and logistics (15.4%).

What pressures are young workers facing?

The salary and bonus report in 2022 shows that in the labor force structure, Gen Y2 (born in 1990-1996) and Gen Z (born in 1997 and later) are accounting for about 54% of the workforce.

Each type of employee is facing different work pressures. If workers are parents who lose 2 productive days per week due to stress and childcare, Gen Z workers are very worried about their future work and career. Women in management roles are under great double pressure from work and family . 

Therefore, the report suggests that businesses need to be more empathetic and flexible in redesigning activities to improve the overall well -being of employees and personalize them for each target group.

According to experts, in the trend that many industry groups are having a high turnover rate, there are factors that will help retain workers and the most important thing is job stability. Young people, especially Gen Y2, Gen Z always choose promotion opportunities, fun working environment and career growth.

At the same time, young workers tend to choose companies with regimes towards flexibility and holistic well-being.

The seminar to announce the Talentnet-Mercer Salary Survey Report 2022 took place in both Jakarta and Bandung City, with the participation of nearly 900 business leaders and human resource managers.

The speakers present at the 2022 Salary and Bonus Survey Report Seminar were Ms. Amalia Handayani , Mercer's Managing Director of Southeast Asia Market Development; Ms. Rahayu Purwanti, Director of Talentnet's Human Resources Consulting Department; Ms. Ida Puspita, Talentnet Finance & Consumer Group leader and Mr. Dagel Winarno , Talentnet Hi-Tech & Real Estate team leader. 

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