Accident insurance and medical expenses for insurance

Accident insurance and medical expenses for insurance are what the policyholder is most concerned about.

Accident insurance in recent years has been sought by many people because of the practical benefits it brings. Which insurance company's accident and medical expenses currently have reasonable premiums and bring the most benefits to customers? Read the article below for details and choose the right insurance package for you.

What is accident insurance ?

Accident insurance is a voluntary insurance product package applied to those who wish to buy for the purpose of sharing financial problems when a risk occurs, suitable for all subjects, especially suitable with construction site workers who work in high-risk conditions. Currently, there are many insurance companies that offer this insurance package, but within the framework of this article, we only mention the accident and medical expenses insurance package of The Newbie Insurance company because of the benefits that The Newbie Insurance has to offer. This insurance package brings is superior to the accident insurance packages of other insurance companies today.

Currently, The Newbie Insurance has two accident insurance packages with different premiums and subjects: 24/24 accident insurance (the basic insurance package everyone can join) and personal accident insurance. high level, you can consider and choose a suitable accident insurance package according to your financial condition.

Accident insurance premium

  • 24/24 accident insurance premium is as follows: The Newbie Insurance's
  • If the insurance package pays a maximum of IDR 20,000,000, the premium payable is IDR 20,000,000 x 0.28% = IDR 56,000/year.
  • The maximum payment for the insurance package is 40,000,000 IDR, the premium must be 40,000,000 x 0.28% = 112,000 IDR/year.
  • The maximum payment for the insurance package is 60,000,000 IDR, the premium to be paid is 60,000,000 x 0.28% = 168,000 IDR/year.
  • If the insurance package pays a maximum of 80,000,000 IDR, the premium payable is 80,000,000 x 0.28% = 224,000 IDR/year.
  • If the insurance package pays a maximum of 100,000,000 IDR, the premium payable is 100,000,000 x 0.28% = 280,000 IDR/year.
High personal accident insurance premiums will depend on your choice. If the premium is high, the insurance compensation will be high, possibly up to billions of dong. Depending on your financial condition, you can choose the type of accident insurance that suits your financial situation. 

Medical expenses in accident insurance

Medical expenses for accident insurance 24/24 will cover all medical and hospital expenses incurred during treatment, applicable in the case of death or temporary or permanent disability. far.

Medical expenses for high-level personal accident insurance selected by you when purchasing the insurance package will cover all medical and hospital expenses incurred during treatment, including in case of death or bodily injury due to an accident, medical expenses due to an accident. Customers can choose to add additional benefits for a fee: weekly allowance, relief service applied within Vietnam or worldwide.

For more information about accident insurance and medical expenses company of The Newbie insurance , please visit website: and call Hotline on website:

The article belongs to the category Accident insurance knowledge with tags: accident insurance and medical expenses .

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