6 Secrets to sell your house fast and get a good price

Your house is of good quality, the price is also moderate, you need to sell but wait until no one has bought it, here are the home selling secrets that you should know to sell quickly and get a good price.

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Summary of 6 tips to sell your house fast and get a good price

1 . Looking for a good and reputable broker

Brokers have many years of experience in the real estate industry . This position can help you sell your home easier and faster. In the process of operation, they already have a ready source of customers, it is easier to find customers with more needs. Especially they know the market will help you to price your home at the best price. However, in the market there are many brokers, you must be careful in choosing a broker so as not to fall into ironic situations. 

When consigning to buy and sell apartments, The Newbie Corporation brings to you

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2 . Post full information and lots of pictures of your house

To attract customers to buy your house, you should provide complete information about the house. Such as location, area, price, documents, surrounding utilities, available furniture... Especially the pictures, you should provide full pictures from the living room, kitchen, bedroom, house. cleaning....the more beautiful, clear and detailed the image, the more people are interested and help people who want to buy your house. 

Besides, you should look for more online home sales channels such as groups on social networks, websites... These channels will help you find more sources of customers. From there you will choose the best price for your home.

3 . Tidy up the house

Before letting guests see the house, you should clean your house and hide it, remove unnecessary or old items, remove stains... To let customers feel that this is the house they own. searched.

Especially the lighting system, which lights are no longer bright or damaged. Then you should change. Everyone will love a house with full of light that will create a more spacious, airy and grandiose feeling. 

If the doors, faucets or other necessary items are damaged, they should be replaced. Because no customer wants to buy a house, they have to spend too much money to fix them. And will create a fresh look for your home. A finished house will cost a lot more.

4 . Ornamental tree decoration

The appearance of the house is very important in selling for a good price or not. Therefore, you should buy small, green potted plants that will definitely make your home more alive. You should choose small pots that are not too big, bright green, less deciduous, less need to be watered. You will save money on cleaning and taking care of the tree. On the window frames, wall shelves should put small potted plants such as cactus, stone lotus, betel nut, living wall...

Most homebuyers are very concerned about the appearance of their home. Therefore, the small, green ornamental plants will definitely make your house more alive. You should choose the plants that are not too big, have bright green color, less deciduous, less need to be watered to save effort. take care of and clean the house. On the table, window sill, wall shelf should put more small pots such as cactus, stone lotus, betel nut, longevity ... 

5 . Pets should not be left in the house

Do not leave your pets in the house that is under fire. Because maybe one of your customers is allergic to dogs, cats... and doesn't like to have pet hair spilled on sofas, floors and other dirt. So before letting guests come and see. At home, you should take your pet somewhere else and clean up all that is involved. 

6. Hang the house number plate in a visible place

This detail is so trivial that it is often overlooked. However, customers will feel more comfortable if it is easy to find your home (in the absence of a guide). You should hang the house number plate right at the gate (if any) or right at the big door, unobstructed by the canopy, tarpaulin... These house selling tips are very important, but not everyone pays attention and remembers. do. Try following these tips to sell your home faster at a good price. 

3 things to keep in mind when buying a pre-built house 

In the face of the situation that many housing projects formed in the future are delayed, "frozen", recently ready-built houses are a new product trend that has received a lot of attention from customers. Because the value of ready-made townhouses will often increase over time. Therefore, more and more people buy townhouses for investment or to live in.

months to choose to buy land and make documents to settle in Binh Duong market This is reasonable, the reason is that people's time is extremely valuable nowadays , it takes more than 6 . months to complete, let alone the construction and supervision of the construction process, things gradually became too difficult for them. With the solution of buying ready-made houses is almost a good solution and is considered as a trend in the near future. So what is the fastest way to manage finances to buy a house and what to keep in mind when buying a house. A ready-built house can be moved in immediately, saving time but also being able to choose a variety of house models that you like as well as estimate the amount of money to buy a house, these are the conveniences that this type of house can have. Ready-built houses bring, but do not stop there.

So to choose to buy a pre-built house and answer the question "Should I buy a pre-built house?" Please take a look at the following 3 things to note to be able to choose a house like that:

First: The location of the ready-built house.

Regarding location - the determining factor for quality of life, customers often rely on personal and economic needs to choose a suitable location for their home. Some people have a lot of money, like a busy place, buy near the center, some people like quiet, or a little money will want to live in the suburbs. 

However, the most important point to note is that priority should be given to choosing locations with synchronous transport infrastructure, convenient to move to the center whether near or far. The project must have external utilities, full areas such as administrative centers, markets, supermarkets, banks, hospitals, schools, amusement parks... so that the quality of life of residents is always guaranteed. .

In addition to a convenient location for traffic, buyers also need to pay attention to the living environment around the project, giving priority to places with high intellectuals. For projects that have begun to form residents, customers can consult the facts, observe and inquire about the status of the population in the projects they decide to buy. The projects that have formed the population also show the development potential of that city, helping the house to increase its value in the future. 

Regarding the quality of apartment construction, including construction and legal quality ( certificate of ownership , pink book, red book ) of the house, factors such as foundation, construction materials, system Electricity and water are a measure of the construction quality of a house. Therefore, when buying a house, it is necessary to consider the design of the house, the quality of the materials that the investor builds the apartment. Is the underground water and electricity system secured or not…? 

+ Geology of the house: This is very important to determine the durability and safety of the house. The house was built on so the land will definitely last longer over time. Before deciding to buy a house, you should carefully study the land the house is leveled from. Most homes that are built for the purpose of selling will usually be calculated to keep construction costs to a minimum. For houses built on the main part of the land, investors will use thin materials, hollow bricks... later on, it is easy to have subsidence. That's why it's so important to check the geology of the house.

Buying a pre-built house or buying land and then building a house yourself will be more quality and economical? Please see the following article to help The Newbie analyze the strengths and limitations of buying ready-made houses or buying land and then building your own, there will be many surprises that not everyone knows about these two. this type.

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+ The house's water supply and drainage system: There are many cases where a toilet clog occurs shortly after buying a house. This causes a lot of inconvenience to daily life. The main reason for this comes from the construction stage to save money such as using small plastic pipes, building small septic tanks... The water supply system also needs attention.. Currently, there are many areas in the high season. There will be a shortage of drinking water. Lack of water will cause a lot of difficulties in daily activities. Therefore, before deciding to buy a house, you should consider these issues carefully. 

+ Small details of the house: In the process of viewing the house, you should pay attention to whether the floor is wet, tall or not? Is the road prone to flooding? Is there a leak in the plumbing system? You should pay attention to the small details because the cost of home repairs now is not cheap.

+ Situation of security and order around the house : This is an important factor that determines whether your future life will be stable or not? Today, the situation of evils is getting more and more complicated.

+ Soundproofing system of the house: A major disadvantage of street-facing houses is that they are noisy by traffic, streets, etc. So your living space will be affected a lot. . If the house does not have a good soundproofing system, it can disrupt your sleep and if this happens regularly, it will affect your health. 

Besides, before buying, customers need to find out if the project needs to carefully review the purchase and sale contract , the attached utilities ..., especially the urban area has people living in or not, how much is filled.

Third: The reputation factor of the investor

Another very important factor when choosing to buy project houses in general and ready-built houses in particular is the reputation of the investor and sales policy.

Price is an important consideration when customers buy a new home. Whether the purpose of buying a house for living or investment, each customer always has to find a financial balance problem that is most effective and suitable.

"When buying a house, it is necessary to carefully consider the payment level and the support package to buy a house. In particular, customers should choose those that have already handed over the house but are still paid in installments," Mr. Vu said and said, for projects If there is a loan support policy, or a slow payment rate, customers will have the advantage of rotating capital, using the money that has not been paid to be able to go into business to make a profit and then use that money to pay the house rent. according to progress. 

In addition, buyers should pay special attention to the project investor, because not only ensures the quality of construction work, but the investor also accompanies residents throughout the time of using the house.

With reputable investors who have affirmed their brand and proven by a history of demonstrating consistent and clear responsibility and commitment to customers and partners, buyers will have absolute peace of mind, because guaranteed by these investors with their own brands," said Mr. Vu.

Reputation of the investor is extremely important, buying a house is a big deal, using a small amount of money to invest in real estate, there have been many cases of being cheated because of buying a project with a plan . So do you know how to avoid this situation? Please take a look at the following article to never fall into the situation of "Money lost, but the house is also taken away": 

One of the largest and most notable projects in Binh Duong today, with a reputable investor as well as the things that EcoXuan brings far exceed customers' expectations. We invite you to take a look at the details of the EcoXuan Block C project to immerse yourself in the wonderful things that you will surely fall in love with from the first time you see it: 

Investment experience, beautiful houses, houses, buy apartments in the center of Binh Duong, buy real estate in Binh Duong, Binh Duong houses, ready-built townhouses, buy apartments to live in, luxury apartments at TDM, buy and sell apartments TDM households, buy cheap houses, buy houses for rent,

Some pre-built products distributed

9 things to keep in mind when buying a home for the first time

Did you have to save for a long time to have enough money to buy a new house? But buying a house is an important thing, so it is necessary to prepare carefully before making a decision to avoid unfortunate mistakes.

Here are 9 notes to know when buying a home for the first time

First: Determine the purpose of buying a house for what?

Many people buy houses just to live in, just to do business, but there are people who buy houses to live in and do business, or buy houses to invest to make a profit. It is necessary to determine from the beginning to choose the right one.

Types of houses to choose from: townhouses or villas, newly built or old detached houses, apartments or shophouses?

Or we consider more factors such as: how many rooms the house needs, how to design, see which direction is good for fortune according to feng shui. 

If you have determined the purpose of buying a house, you cannot ignore the following 3 extremely important things so that you do not have to regret after buying a house. We invite you to take a look at the article below. 

Second: Determine the time to buy a house

Once the goal has been determined, it is also very important to determine when to buy a home. When determining when to buy a house, we will have a specific plan to save money as well as arrange time to buy a house.

It's really hard to estimate 100% of the house's price correctly, so if you already have about 70% of the home's value , decide to buy quickly. Of course the house has been scrutinized. If you do not decide and hesitate, the price may increase. At that time, there will not be enough money to buy a house. 

In fact, many people choose smarter financial solutions these days. They do not need to wait until they have enough money to buy a house, but will choose to choose the form of buying a house with installments from projects without needing other assets as collateral or a home loan from a supporting bank. But it is also necessary to have about 50-70% of the house value, so decide to buy and have a stable financial capacity to ensure that every month after paying the bank debt, there is still enough to pay for living.

On the occasion of Tet to spring, everyone wants to have a house so that they can enjoy a warm Tet with their family. So buying a house during Tet is the right time or not, a few things revealed below will help you have more experience buying a house during Tet. We invite you to take a look at the following articles: 

Third: Need to consider financial should not buy emotional.

Often we will go to see many homes before making the final decision. There are really beautiful houses with good location, comfortable, fully furnished with modern furniture , look like immediately, can move in immediately. However, the financial level is too limited, but because I like it so much, I still decide to buy a house that is beyond my means. Leads to the consequences of debt piled up, buying a house is not only unhappy and unhappy, but the worry is even heavier. 

Therefore, it is necessary to determine the financial level carefully and choose the right house. If you have more loans, you should calculate your ability to pay so as not to affect your life after buying a house, not because of temporary feelings that will affect the decision later.

Here, The Newbie will send you how to properly manage your finances to buy a home quickly, simply and effectively. Please refer to the article below: 

Fourth: Do not anticipate arising costs in advance

Buying a house in addition to the money to buy a house, there are other expenses that need to be budgeted such as brokerage fees, home repairs, hiring workers or buying more household items because they do not have much experience in buying a house .

If not calculated carefully, the costs incurred will exceed the budget . I thought buying a cheap house still had a surplus, but when I calculated it, it was lost due to too many costs incurred. 

Fifth: Check if the Certificate of Real Estate Ownership is real or fake

The situation of using fake house books to make sales is not without happening. Without the knowledge of viewing these documents first-time homebuyers can be ripped off without knowing it. Current housing types include: 

Friday : Consider the location of the house

Location is an important factor that affects the price of a home. If you don't have money to buy a house in the center, you should consider buying a house with the most convenient location for you, such as near your workplace, your child's school, parks, markets, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers. , entertainment… 

Saturday: Pay attention to the surrounding environment and security

Because buying a house for the first time, it is certain that there will not be much experience, many people have to spend a lot of time to change houses continuously, and even spend a lot of money to move houses due to: the surrounding living environment is not good. affect children, because security is not guaranteed, theft is frequent….So it is necessary to consider the following factors:

- What is the regional security issue like? Is the environment complicated or not? This greatly affects family members, especially children. 

- Traffic system, surrounding infrastructure. We can verify this by asking nearby neighbors or researching projects that the contractor has built.

Eighth: Look carefully at the house when receiving the handover

Even if the house has a convenient location, beautiful exterior design, it is still important to check the inside carefully such as plumbing, lines, walls, etc. We can also choose when to view the house. in the rainy season so that you can check if the house is flooded or rained. Besides, we can also check the drainage system around the house. 

Ninth: The concept of a new house, everything must be new

Many people believe that in a new home, everything is new . However, the budget does not always allow. When buying a new house, there are still many expenses to spend, so make use of old items that can still be used to save costs, then list out the necessary items when you return to the new home to start buying. This will help save money but also control unnecessary items that waste and occupy space. 

In addition to the above notes, you can consult with friends, relatives or trusted professional brokers. Buying a house is a big deal, if you are having trouble finding a house in Binh Duong . Don't worry our team of consultants will help you.

The fastest way to manage finances to buy a house

How to manage finances well to help buy a house quickly? Owning your own home is the dream of many people. The following are effective financial management experiences to help us save to buy a house as quickly as possible:

Here are 9 ways to help you manage your finances to buy a home quickly.

1 . Set up a spending budget

Setting a budget for family expenses is an important factor in helping us manage our finances effectively. Determine your monthly income and expenses. Once completed, we will easily consider unnecessary expenses. Thanks to this devil, it is possible to know exactly what you have spent each month and from there to review unreasonable expenses or cut unnecessary expenses.

Saving money all year just looking forward to Tet to buy a new house to welcome Tet, so is Tet really a golden time to buy a house? Buying a house during Tet needs to think about many things, please see the following article to be able to troubleshoot this dilemma .

2. Financial security for fixed monthly expenses

After setting up a monthly budget, we just need to adhere to the correct spending criteria. Pay in full and on time. Avoid using too much money so you don't lose it next month. People often have the habit of spending money, if there is any left over, they will put it into the savings bank. But this approach really doesn't work. To be able to ensure that there is a certain amount of balance every month, the 50/30/20 rule .

3. Define clear financial goals

One of the reasons why many savings plans fall apart is because of unexpected expenses that are not in the plan. So it's important to clearly define your spending goals and try to spend only what you've set out to do. It is very important to define specific financial goals that need to be achieved clearly over time and in quantity. Breaking down the goals to be achieved is a way for us to easily get to the results. 

4. Spend what you can afford

Saving a set amount every month really requires perseverance and consistency. But spending within your means helps to stay in better financial shape. If you are a person who is not good at controlling your finances with cash. Using a credit card is also an effective financial management secret that helps limit temporary emotional spending. 

Buying a ready-built house or buying land and then building a house yourself will save more costs, invite you and The Newbie to analyze which will be the optimal and most suitable option for your financial level

5. Should have a backup money

No matter how detailed the plan is, there will still be expenses incurred that cannot be foreseen. To avoid borrowing from friends, relatives or credit cards we should have a savings in case of emergencies. This money is not a savings deposit , it is a flexible money that can be used at any time when problems arise. 

6 . Should have a plan for retirement later

During your career, you should set a goal of how much money you will earn. From there, create a long-term financial plan. Take that as a motivation to be able to work to increase income, save and accumulate for later life.

7. Save on Bonuses

In each year, almost everyone will have certain bonuses such as quarterly achievement bonus, year-end bonus and other bonuses depending on the unit. When receiving that bonus, don't spend it all, but use 50% of your savings to buy a house. That will make the road to your dream home closer. 

8. Take advantage of promotions on sale days

In a year, there are always many holidays when promotions and discounts are always deployed. For example: Black Friday, March 8, October 20, New Year's Eve, ... On these days, goods are always discounted and there are items that can be discounted up to 70, 80% of the price. So you can save a lot of money on your home purchase. Here are some tips to help you manage your finances effectively. 

Are you in need of an apartment ?

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