Latest D3 S1 Jobs PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia September 2022

Mencari pekerjaan merupakan adalah hal yang paling sulit dan memiliki tantangan yang paling susah karena setiap orang harus beradaptasi dengan pendidikan dan jurusan seperti pada persyaratan lowongan kerja yang diminta. Banyak orang yang tidak mengetahui bahwa dengan memikirkan terlebih dahulu posisi pekerjaan yang mereka inginkan dapat membuat mereka lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan dibandingkan hanya coba - coba. Banyak sekali terjadi hal - hal yang tidak diharapkan oleh setiap orang jika mencari sebuah pekerjaan tanpa persiapan yang matang. Karena ini sama saja akan membuat mereka tidak dapat menerima tantangan termasuk dalam mempelajari berbagai tes seleksi. Untuk itu sebelum anda terjun ke dalam dunia kerja sebaiknya lakukan terlebih dahulu beberapa cara yang pasti agar anda dapat menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Untuk menjadi seorang pelamar yang terbaik dan mempunyai keahlian lebih baik, pastikan anda memilih pekerjaan yang betul-betul anda kuasai mulai dari jurusan maupun kriteria pendidikan. Hal ini akan lebih mempermudah anda untuk mendapatkan posisi pekerjaan tersebut. Jika anda menginginkan sebuah pekerjaan yang harus disesuaikan dengan posisi yang dilamar, terlebih dahulu Anda harus menerima prosedur yang diminta seperti teriak kriteria yang diminta pada lowongan pekerjaan sebaiknya 100% Anda penuhi. Tak perlu kepintaran saja yang harus anda miliki ketika anda terjun ke dalam dunia kerja tetapi akhlak dan santun juga penting yang nantinya bisa memberikan sebuah pembuktian bahwa anda seorang karyawan yang memiliki pribadi yang cukup baik. Tidak jarang orang merasa gagal dalam tes seleksi psikotes dan wawancara karena mereka memiliki kepribadian yang kurang baik yang akhirnya perusahaan lebih mengutamakan mereka yang mempunyai sopan santun dan dan kepribadian yang baik tersebut. Dalam menangani berbagai hal yang yang menyangkut kepribadian ini, dituntut untuk terus menjadi seorang talenta yang memiliki rasa jujur dan bertanggung jawab. Di samping Anda harus bekerja dan belajar keras, anda juga dituntut memiliki kepribadian yang baik.
Lowongan Kerja D3 S1 Terbaru PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia September 2022

Finding a job is the most difficult thing and has the most difficult challenges because everyone has to adapt to education and majors as per the job vacancies requested. Many people don't know that by thinking about the job position they want in advance can make it easier for them to get a job than just trial and error. Lots of things happen - things that are not expected by everyone if you are looking for a job without proper preparation. Because this will make them unable to accept challenges, including studying various selection tests. For this reason, before you enter the world of work, you should first do some definite ways so that you can face some challenges. To be the best applicant and have better skills, make sure you choose a job that you are really good at starting from majors and educational criteria. This will make it easier for you to get the job position. If you want a job that must be adapted to the position applied for, you must first accept the requested procedures such as shouting that the criteria requested in the job vacancy should be 100% fulfilled. You don't need to be smart when you enter the world of work, but morals and manners are also important which can later provide a proof that you are an employee who has a pretty good personality. It is not uncommon for people to feel that they have failed in psychological tests and interviews because they have bad personalities, which in the end the company prioritizes those who have good manners and personality. In dealing with various matters relating to this personality, it is required to continue to be a talent who has a sense of honesty and responsibility. Besides you have to work and study hard, you are also required to have a good personality. 

PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia Job Vacancies - PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia is one of the leading food companies in Indonesia. Our products are consumed throughout Indonesia. In Indonesia, we started our operations in 1999 through the acquisition of PT. ABC Central Food founded in 1975. ABC is the market leader of our local brands for several categories such as Soy Sauce, Chili Sauce, Canned Fish, Cordials / Syrup and Ready to Drink. With ABC as our brand, Kraft Heinz Indonesia is the largest Kraft Heinz business in Asia and one of the largest in the world with over 1500 employees, 3 manufacturing facilities and an extensive distribution network in Java and the Outer Islands. The ABC brand is in our top 15 brands globally. In Indonesia, we understand the power of food to connect people, unite cultures and enrich everyday life. We are a leading manufacturer of food and beverage products in Indonesia. Carrying the goal of “Proudly providing delicious food for every Indonesian family”, ABC products are manufactured to global quality standards and enjoyed by millions of Indonesian consumers every day for nearly 40 years. Fiscal year 2018 net sales as disclosed in February 21, 2019 4Q18 Release Earnings.

Currently, PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia has re-opened the latest job vacancies in September 2022 to look for prospective employees who are ready to fill the positions that are currently needed. The company will look for candidates who are best suited to the qualifications and who are suitable for the position to be placed

Below are the available positions along with their current qualifications for job seekers who are interested in developing a career.

Latest Job Vacancies PT Kraft Heinz ABC Indonesia in 2022


Area Sales Supervisor General Trade

Job Description:

  1. Ensuring the delivery of goods to consumers perfectly, increasing sales and distribution as a routine that must be done.
  2. Ensure the implementation of sales in accordance with the specified targets.
  3. Carry out activities to support Kraft Heinz distributor management strategy: ensure practices are in accordance with standards, follow sales processes in accordance with procedures, carry out control & monitoring, evaluate distributor performance, operational systems, to support organizational performance.
  4. Become a daily point of contact from Kraft Heinz to distributors

  1. Education: at least Diploma in any major
  2. Work Experience: +3 Years in handling General Trade in FMCG company
  3. Language skills: Indonesian is preferred. Being able to communicate in English will be an added point to improve your career at Kraft Heinz.
  4. Character: Dynamic, High Energy, Diligent, Team Work and focus on results
  5. Understanding & willing to be placed in several areas in Indonesia according to needs
  6. Placement: Belitung
For those of you who are interested, please register at the following email address: 

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