Easy Import from Singapore to Indonesia with Services

The existence of suppliers of Singapore's import to Indonesia now makes it easier for some importers. Various types of manufactured goods from that country currently have a large market in Indonesia, one of which is several manufactured products.

Kemudahan Impor dari Singapura ke Indonesia dengan Jasa
Kemudahan Impor dari Singapura ke Indonesia dengan Jasa

The development of digital technology and the place market has also influenced the increase in imports of goods from Singapore. Indonesia as the largest e-commerce market in Southeast Asia, it is normal for Singapore to export a lot of goods to this country. 

Get to know the economy and world of trade in Singapore

Singapore as a developed country that relies on economic activity in the industrial sector. The country's special commodities for export are several electronic products and machinery. The location of the country in the trade transit lane makes it absolutely vital.

Singapore's economy experienced the highest development in the first quarter of 2021 since the Covid-19 outbreak. Compared to last year, the country's Gross Local Product experienced an increase of 1.3%.

What Does Singapore Export?

Various products have been successfully exported by Singapore, not only to Southeast Asian territories. Are you interested in importing from Singapore? The following information can provide ideas and suggestions for you to determine the right product to import.

Special products that you can import from Singapore

As we know, Singapore as one of the exporting countries of various types of products, especially from the manufacturing industry. Here are some products that you can think about importing from Singapore using a forwarder service.

Fashion Products

Computer, Optical, and Electronic Goods




Pharmacy, Chemical Medicine, and Traditional Medicine

Chemical material


Goods from Rubber and Plastic

Paper and Some Paper Items

Electrical Equipment

Some Chemicals and Some Chemicals

Metal Items, Not Counting Machinery and Equipment

Before using a forwarder service to send goods from Singapore to Indonesia, make sure you prepare and understand the following things.

#1 Document that is important to prepare

The initial documents for the transportation of imported goods will be carried out by the exporter faction. One of the documents that must be present is the packing list, which includes the complete address of the sender and recipient, and item information to determine Singapore to Indonesia shipping costs .

The packing list is required to provide a commercial invoice containing the goods purchased from Singapore. The invoice for the transportation of packages from Singapore to Jakarta Indonesia will contain the complete type of goods purchased, how many, and the unit price and overall price.

Bill of Landing (B/L) and Airway Bill (AWB) as the 3rd document that must be present in every process of importing goods. The Shipping Line or Freight Forwarder faction will issue the B/L and AWB on the day the goods depart.

B/L and AWB have a similar role, one of which is as evidence for the importer to take the goods. The difference between B/L and AWB is in the transportation model used. B/L is a shipping document by ship and AWB by air. 

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