7 cheap auto insurance options to protect your car

Discover 7 cheap auto insurance options here and protect your car now, following our tips. Take the opportunity to write down the name of some of the insurers that offer the cheapest plans and the average values.

Do you keep inventing that you don't have the money to take out insurance? Protecting the car is not necessary to spend too much, as many people think. For example, you can find cheap auto insurance in SP, MG, PR, RJ and other states.

You can find car insurance that offers good protection. So, to help you, we checked some insurance companies that have affordable prices and provide good customer service.

So, check out the list below to understand what we are talking about so you can walk more smoothly with your vehicle.

7 cheap auto insurance options to protect your car

No matter where you live, there is always a plan available from your car insurance company to save you money on hiring while keeping your vehicle protected.

For example, if you live in São Paulo, count on cheap auto insurance SP. But other states also offer economic plans, guaranteeing the protection of your property.

Read Also : 5 cheapest insurance companies

Want to know what the options are? So, check out the list of some of the cheapest car insurances!


Ituran tracking company that has been operating in Brazil since 2000. It also offers the option of vehicle insurance in partnership with some insurance companies, such as: MAPFRE , HDI Seguros de , Tokio Marine Insurer Vehicular , Aliro Seguro and Liberty Seguros.  

The insurance Ituran tracker with insurance, can start at R$89.90 per month. In addition, the coverages included are: theft and theft coverage, vehicle tracking and 24-hour assistance.  

*Prices may change depending on the profile.

Research carried out in July/2022 - Source: Ituran  

Youse Auto Insurance

Youse Caixa Seguros is an online insurance platform, an initiative of Seguradora .  

It is possible to hire car insurance with values ​​from R$ 45.00 per month (data from September/2021 source). The plan may include coverage such as:  

  • Theft and robbery ;
  • collision Total loss ;
  • flooding;
  • Bodily damage to third parties and others.
In addition, it is possible to count on assistance from the insurance company for cars , such as:  

  • Reserve car;
  • Keychain;
  • glasses;
One of the differentials of this insurance offered by Youse Seguros to protect your car is that the entire contract can be done online.  

Easy Auto Insurance

Seguro AutoFácil is part of the BNP Paribas Cardif group. In Brazil, it has more than 32 million customers and 60 partners.

When taking out insurance, you can find different coverages. Among the advantages:

  • 24-hour assistance;
  • Repair of losses bringing the indemnity closer to the ideal value ;
  • Among others.
Survey carried out in July/2020 (we could not find updated information, check the company's website). Source: BNP Paribas Cardif.

Suhai Insurance

Suhai Seguros works with high-loss vehicles. It is possible to find affordable insurance, which can reach up to 73% cheaper than the competition, according to a personalized analysis. Among the toppings:
  • Robbery and theft;
  • 24-hour assistance;
  • 24-hour call center.
Survey carried out in July/2022 – Source: Suhai Seguradora.

Did you know that in addition to these tips, you can save on vehicle insurance in different ways?

Blue Auto Light

offers Azul Seguros insurance in several segments.  

It has three deductible that make vehicle insurance cheaper. Includes: 

  • Robbery and theft;
  • Collision;
  • Fire;
  • 24-hour assistance;
  • Possibility of additional coverage
It allows the payment to be paid in up to 12 interest-free installments and offers a discount for those who pay using the Porto Seguro Credit Card.

Survey carried out in July/2022 – Source: Azul Seguros.

SulAmérica Auto Compact

is SulAmérica Auto one of the first in the country to offer popular auto insurance .

It currently offers Auto Compacto, which is vehicle insurance tailored to each driver, for a lower price. Among the toppings:
  • Collision, theft and fire.
  • Two deductible options to be chosen at the time of the claim.
  • Third parties, material and personal damages.
  • Additional coverages.
Research carried out in July/2022 – Source: SulAmérica.

Tokio Marine Auto Robbery

This is an insurance that is up to 50% cheaper than traditional insurance and has a tracking service.

It offers the following coverage:
  • Theft;
  • Theft;
  • Fire;
  • 24 hour assistance.
To verify the values ​​you need to request a auto insurance quote .

Research carried out in July/2022 – Source: Tokio Marine Seguradora.

It is important for you to know partial, complete and popular insurance to know which one pays the most for you .

As you have seen, there is always cheap auto insurance in SP, RJ, PR, SC, among others, just quote insurance with the best car insurers in your region.

It is important to know that buying one of the cheap and economical cars does not mean paying the lowest price in protection. After all, it is common for a car insurance calculate the value of car insurance based on the risks assumed.

Just be sure to quote only on the insurers you trust the most.

For that, count on the Susep and do a search of the car insurance company and brokers that are registered.

Tips to make your auto insurance cheap

Another suggestion for getting cheaper insurance is to include a car tracker .

Thus, your plan can be more affordable, as the vehicle has an extra protection item.

Want more tips to make insurance cheap? So write it down!

  • Be a woman: auto insurance for women is cheaper.
  • Get married: you will be seen as a more responsible driver.
  • Don't be young: if you are, use the tips above.
  • Quote with as many insurers as possible: you will be able to compare several plans.
  • Discard toppings: only the ones you think you don't need.
  • Install security equipment: in addition to the tracker, you can count on alarm and blockers.
These are just 7 cheap auto insurance options so you have no more excuses and leave your car protected.

But by getting an insurance quote it is possible to guarantee even lower prices, according to your needs. Know that, in addition to quoting the price of Onix , Ford Ka or other insurance, you must pay attention to the coverage included, extra services and deductibles.

Also remember that the price of protection is not always more affordable for a cheap car. The quote value is calculated based on the risks assumed by the insurance company, be it HDI Seguros, Sompo Seguros, Porto Seguro Auto, Bradesco Seguros auto, Allianz Seguros or others .

In addition, the value of the car in Fipe Table influences the price of vehicle insurance .  

How car insurance cheap  

To get cheap car insurance, you need to get quotes from different insurers. This way, you can compare what each one offers and how much they charge.  

If you want to make it easier, take advantage of our list of the cheapest car insurances. We have selected good and cheap car insurance options that fit in your pocket!  

Don't leave your car without the protection it deserves. Buy your insurance online!

How does the driver profile influence the price of car insurance?  

Car insurance insurers consider the driver's profile as a weight in the analysis of the risks assumed.  

After all, a driver who has fines, is usually involved in accidents, lives in a place with a high rate of theft, has little time on his license, among others, shows a greater risk of suffering accidents.  

Therefore, companies that offer car insurance understand it as a greater expense with a given contract. Imagine a different profile from the one mentioned above.  

When analyzed, car insurance insurers understand that the risk of expenses with this contract is lower. This, regardless of whether the driver has a cheaper or more expensive car.  

So, it doesn't matter if the driver has a cheap or more expensive car, for car insurers, the model will not always influence as much as the driver's profile.  

This is quite a lot among different auto insurance companies, be it Youse, Carsystem, Minuto Seguros, Ituran Seguros, Porto Seguro auto and others.  

Therefore, by analyzing the driver's profile, car insurers can get an idea of ​​how much it may cost to protect the vehicle within the term of the contract. With this, they are able to pass on this cost with the value of car insurance.  

So, when simulating auto insurance, keep in mind that the profile analysis will greatly influence the value of protection. But don't try to lie on the questionnaire, as car insurers have a way of finding out the truth and denying protection.  

How do you know which insurance company is the most reliable?

If you are going to take out auto insurance for the first time or intend to change car insurance companies, it is important to make a list of the most renowned companies. There are many insurance companies on the market that are praised by customers in some points and not in others.  

But there are also those that offer several advantages over others. So, for you who want to protect your property, there is a list of the most recommended, such as: Tokio Marine, Azul Seguros, Liberty Seguros, HDI Seguros, Sompo Seguros, Youse, Allianz Seguros, Porto Seguro auto, Bradesco Seguros auto, SulAmérica, Suhai, among others.  

The most recommended thing is to make a list with at least 5 companies and carry out the auto insurance quote with each one. So, compare not only the price of car insurance, but also the services offered.  

Also, do a search on specialized sites, such as Reclame Aqui, Procon and others and see what customers are saying.  

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