Police Arrest 2 Hackers Sultan from Lubuklinggau, Have Luxury Cars and Balance of Hundreds of Billions

Polisi Tangkap 2 Hacker Sultan Asal Lubuklinggau, Punya Mobil Mewah dan Saldo Ratusan Miliar
Polisi Tangkap 2 Hacker Sultan Asal Lubuklinggau, Punya Mobil Mewah dan Saldo Ratusan Miliar

The Cyber ​​Team of the East Java Police (East Java) assisted by members of the Lubuklinggau Police, South Sumatra arrested two hackers in Lubuklinggau. In addition to owning a luxury car, both have ATMs with balances estimated at hundreds of billions of rupiah.

The two suspects are Frass, a resident of Marga Mulya Village, South Lubuklinggau II District, and Egi, a resident of Batu Urip Village, North Lubuklinggau II District. Both were arrested by the Cyber ​​Team Monday (8/8/2022) at around 18.00 WIB. Suspect Egi was arrested at the Lubuklinggau Kalimantan Market while shopping. Meanwhile, Frass was arrested at his residence, Marga Mulya Village. 

From the suspect, a black Mitsubishi Pajero Sport car, Nopol BG 1827 GC was confiscated, and a luxury house in Batu Urip Village, North Lubuklinggau II District. Meanwhile, from the suspect, Egi, one unit of the orange Toyota Yaris and the white HRP were secured.

Lubuklinggau Police Chief AKBP Harrisandi explained that the disclosure of this hacker case was based on information from the public. While the brain of the hacker sultan is the suspect Egi. Both of them managed to hack big accounts like Shoppee, Binomo, Crypto, and Bigcoin. 

Now the ATM, which reportedly contains billions of rupiah, has been blocked by the Cyber ​​Team of the East Java Police . Of the two suspects, the East Java Regional Police are continuing to develop, currently hunting for five other perpetrators.

Currently, said the Police Chief, the two suspects have been secured and brought by the Cyber ​​Team of the East Java Police to the East Java Police Headquarters for further interrogation. “It is true yesterday that members of the East Java Regional Police came to Lubuklinggau, they came to secure two suspected hackers. Those who came yesterday were also my subordinates," he said.

It was also explained that from the results of this hacker crime, the money was bought for houses, cars and other luxury goods. From the suspect's confession, they have been in action for five years and hundreds of billions have been distributed to their friends.

"In addition to the two suspects, there are five other perpetrators who are friends of the suspect who are currently being sought by the East Java Police," he said. 

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