Enjoy the Variety of BNI Flexi, Home, Investment and BNIDirect

Nikmati Ragam BNI Fleksi, Griya, Investasi dan BNIDirect
Nikmati Ragam BNI Fleksi, Griya, Investasi dan BNIDirect 

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI which will celebrate its 76th birthday on July 5, 2022. Various special special promos are offered for the purpose of 'For more Profitable Indonesia'. Why is that? Follow the various promos offered by BNI.

At the moment of the BNI 2022 Anniversary, BNI Flexi offers an effective 9% interest rate for all tenors with a provision fee of 0.76% eenmaligh of the maximum credit. Administration fee of IDR 76 thousand with an additional 0.76% LinkAja balance reward for the First 76 Debtors who submit and book via eForm on 6 June - 31 August 2022.

For every purchase of Open End Mutual Funds at BNI Mobile Banking, you can also get 4.6% cashback. Invest not use later! The minimum purchase of Mutual Funds is Rp. 1 million, with cashback max 250 thousand/customer. Valid for the fastest 1,000 customers on 1 - 31 July 2022. Valid for all Open End Mutual Fund products except Money Market Mutual Funds

Enjoy the BNI Griya Gelegar BNI 2022 Auction Program for the period July 1 - December 31, 2022 in order to Purchase Credit Collateral through auctions and non-auctions. Meanwhile, Free Billing Payment, LLG/Clearing & RTGS fees via BNIDirect on 27 June – 30 September 2022 for a quota of 9100 customers (Giran + Debtor All segment). Customers must use BNIDirect for tax payments (PPh/PPN/Customs), BPJSKS, BPJSTK, PLN, Telkom, LLG, and RTGS every month during the program period.

Promo BNI Group

Get 11% cashback for purchasing BNI-AM Mutual Funds (except Money Market Mutual Funds) of at least IDR 100 thousand. Valid for the first 200 people and purchases can be made through APERD BNI-AM (BNI Sekuritas, Tanamduit and Makmur), promo until 1 - 29 July 2022.

It's never too late to start investing, invest using BIONS by BNI Sekuritas. Open RDN for Investment through BNI Mobile Banking, get a bonus of BNI-AM IDX 30 Mutual Funds worth Rp. 76 thousand. There is an additional Mutual Fund bonus worth IDR 50 thousand just by making financial transactions at BNI Mobile Banking. Limited quota for the first 760 customers, period 5 - 31 July 2022.

There is a program from BNI Life Special for 76 customers of BNI's 76th Anniversary with a minimum premium of Rp. 25 million during July 2022, for purchasing BLMPP Plus products, BLife Solusi Abadi, Smart Solutions, and Steady Protection, you will get a cash reward of Rp. 760 thousand. In addition, you also get Personal Accident Insurance worth Rp 40 million for the 76 fastest issued customers for purchasing BLPM Plus, Steady Protection, Abadi Solutions, Smart Solutions and Infinite Protection products with a minimum premium of Rp 10 million.

With BNI Multifinance, enjoy interest promos starting from 2.5% flat for new car financing, valid for all special brands for the first 76 people with a 20% DP and interest starting at 2.5%. And also for Honda car financing with a DP of 20% and interest starting at 2.5% (Honda Tendean) for the period 4 - 30 July 2022. (*) 

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