Since 2021, Over IDR 14.4 Trillion Disappeared Due to Crypto Scams

The crypto continues to bring up scammers and scammers. Victims reported a total loss of more than USD 1 billion (approximately Rp. 14.4 Trillion) due to crypto since early 2021. According to the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report released on June 3, 2022.

From January 2021 to March this year, more than 46,000 people filed crypto with the agency. The average estimate for individuals reporting losses in this report is USD 2,600.

Perhaps ironically, the coins that are most commonly used in fraud are also the ones that are used the most. A total of 70 percent of scams use Bitcoin as a payment method, followed by Tether (10 percent) and Ether (9 percent). Ether is the primary currency of choice for NFT, crypto where fraudsters and hackers thrive.

Crypto investment scams are the most common type of fraud reported to the FTC, with losses of around USD 575 million (Rp 8.3 trillion). Usually these scams target amateur investors by promising them huge profits in return for their initial investment.

“Investment scammers claim that they can quickly and easily make huge profits for investors. 'investment' crypto goes straight into the scammer ,” FTC's Emma Fletcher wrote in a post blog

Romance fraud also accounts for the majority of reported frauds, with a total loss of USD 185 million (Rp 2.7 trillion). Many of scammers target individuals via social media or dating apps.

This type of dating app scam is known as “Pig Slaughtering.” According to CoinTelegraph , criminals establish fake relationships with victims to trick them into investing in crypto .

It is important to note that the FTC report is only a small snapshot of how many crypto are actually taking place, as the agency relies solely on direct reports submitted by victims.

An FTC journal estimates that less than five percent of victims of fraud report it to government agencies. As crypto becomes more popular, the number of scams will also increase. Platform Chainanalysis estimates that illicit addresses received more than USD 14 billion in crypto last year, almost double the amount in 2020.(*)

Foto: Pixabay

crypto Cryptocurrency penipuan 

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