Sinar Mas Insurance Targets Business Potential in Solo

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas sees that a number of insurance business lines in the Soloraya area still have the potential to be explored, seeing that insurance penetration is still small there.

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas sees a number of insurance business lines in the Solo area that has the potential to continue to be explored, as insurance penetration is still small in the area. This Sinar Mas Group company is also targeting business lines such as the trading sector there.

Head of Region 2 PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Widodo Septiadi said that currently Solo is the third largest contributor to the Sinar Mas Insurance business portfolio in the Central Java and DIY regions.

"There is still a big opportunity for the people of Surakarta in particular, and Soloraya in general. Insurance penetration is still quite small there. We see an opportunity to enter," Widodo said at the Financial Literacy event for MSMEs in Surakarta with PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and PT Sinarmas Credit Guarantee, Saturday (11/6/2022).

The insurance business line that dominates the Sinar Mas Insurance business portfolio is motor vehicle insurance. Then followed by property and trade insurance.

According to Widodo, potential business lines to be explored in Solo are related to the trade sector, such as credit insurance and marine cargo .

"Because if the property is all concentrated in Jakarta. Indeed, there are many cynical factories in the textile and furniture industry, but the headquarter is in Jakarta. My friends in the regions are more focused on the B2B process, the trade," Widodo said.

In addition, he also sees that there is still considerable potential to work on micro-insurance in Solo due to the low level of public literacy in insurance.

On this occasion, Asuransi Sinar Mas provided financial literacy to 100 MSMEs in the city of Surakarta. This is the company's commitment to support the OJK program to improve financial literacy for the Indonesian people.

The determination of MSMEs as financial literacy targets is also in accordance with the OJK program in 2022 in order to accelerate national economic recovery through inclusive financial literacy. Financial literacy materials were provided by the literacy team from PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and PT Simas Penjaminan Kredit. The education delivered includes how to manage finances, manage risk, knowledge of insurance and micro insurance, as well as credit guarantees that are suitable for MSMEs.

"After the public understands insurance as a risk mitigation, indirectly our prospects or our business potential will follow themselves," said Widodo. 

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