Don't sacrifice employees, Jumhur Hidayat asks PT Titan Group to find a solution

Chairman of the Confederation of All-Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Jumhur Hidayat emphasized that the welfare of workers is a sign of the economic progress of a nation, therefore every company must pay attention to and fulfill every employee's rights.

Chairman of the Confederation of All-Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Jumhur Hidayat emphasized that the welfare of workers is a sign of the economic progress of a nation, therefore every company must pay attention to and fulfill every employee's rights.

Jumhur's statement was in response to the issue of alleged bad loans and alleged criminal acts of embezzlement as well as the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU) of PT Titan Group which had an impact on thousands of their employees.

According to Jumhur, PT Titan must provide a solution to the fate of thousands of employees who have been affected by the problems that have resulted in the company's account being blocked. Instead of using it by mobilizing them to demonstrate to urge the related parties to unblock accounts.

“Companies with problems cannot hide behind their employees. You have to be gentle, don't make the employees sacrifice," said Jumhur to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday (9/6).

For Jumhur, the fulfillment of employee rights must be a priority. Because, he said, criminal relations have a different legal basis from industrial relations.

"If it can be regulated that the rights of employees are given first, it is cooler, because the legal basis for criminal and industrial relations is different," said Jumhur.

If the account has been blocked, said Jumhur, this is only to save employees, not to eliminate suspected criminal acts.

"The block was opened only for workers' rights," said Jumhur.

Previously, PT Titan Group's attorney, Riasan Syahri, said that 6,000 employees of PT Titan Group would present their opinions in public on demonstrations regarding the blocking of the company's holding account.

The essence of expressing opinions in public, he said, was to question how the problem was so that the account of PT Titan Group was blocked by Bank Mandiri on the orders of the Criminal Investigation Unit investigator at the National Police Headquarters. 

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