Sinar Mas Insurance Pays Claims for BSSP

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Cabang Tanjung Pinang Batam membayarkan klaim asuransi kebakaran kepada PT Bintang SEmbilan SEmbilan PErsada senilai Rp1,523 miliar
PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Cabang Tanjung Pinang Batam membayarkan klaim asuransi kebakaran kepada PT Bintang SEmbilan SEmbilan PErsada senilai Rp1,523 miliar

PT Asuransi Sinar Mas (ASM) has shown its commitment to fulfill its obligations to its insured by paying claims worth Rp. 1.523 billion to PT Bintang Sembilan Sembilan Persada (BSSP) due to the fire. The fire that caused damage to several company assets in the BSSP warehouse was due to an electrical short circuit. BSP is a customer of PT BPR Dana Nusantara whose assets are insured with ASM.

Head of ASM Tanjung Pinang Branch, Rahmat Solihin, said that the payment of this claim was a form of ASM's commitment to maintaining public trust and especially banking in protecting assets against the risks experienced by policyholders.

“This claim payment is a final payment , the payment is made within 8 working days since the document is completed. We hope that with this claim payment, customers can return to normal operations.” continued Rahmat in a release received by investors (23/6).

This fast claim payment process was responded positively by the insured. General Manager of BSSP Anthony thanked ASM, who from the beginning of the fire incident proved to be fast and responsive in handling claims. "We are even always being chased to quickly send the claim documents required by Asuransi Sinar Mas," said Anthony.

Rahmat said, ASM Tanjung Pinang Branch in 2022 will focus on marketing property insurance products, motor vehicle insurance and trade credit insurance. "We will also boost business sources from corporations and agency development this year." added Grace.

ASM is committed to simplifying the claim payment process. This has been proven in several incidents such as the payment of claims for the 2006 Jogja earthquake, the 2009 Padang earthquake, the 2018 Palu earthquake, 2020 bankers, the 2021 Sulbar earthquake, and the 2021 flood in Ciloto. These various disaster events serve as warnings for customers to anticipate risks that may occur. so it is necessary to have insurance expansion coverage such as floods or natural disasters. ASM provides these such as Property All Risks and Industrial All Risks, Simas Rumah Hemat ++ for house insurance, Simas Mobil Exclusive for motor vehicle insurance, and Simas Ruko for shophouse insurance.

ASM also has the latest product, namely Asuransi Simas Covid-19. Simas Covid-19 is an individual health insurance that provides reimbursement for medical expenses that occur if the Insured undergoes inpatient or outpatient treatment at a hospital/clinic due to a positive diagnosis of the Covid-19 pandemic disease. For the convenience of purchasing insurance services, submitting and checking claim progress can be done online by downloading the Sinar Mas Online Insurance application on your smartphone in the Play Store or App Store. 

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