Here's a Quick Way to Cancel an Order Tiktok Shop

Since the pandemic, people, starting from producers to consumers, have used social media platforms to make buying and selling transactions. Recently, social media developers like to create shopping features to facilitate producers and consumers in shopping.

Of course, consumers and producers will benefit greatly from this shopping feature. They no longer need to go through an offline process that cannot be done anytime anywhere, such as visiting the store to buy an item.

One application that is currently hype about its shopping features is Tiktok. Tiktok has a shopping feature called Tiktok Shop. Tiktok Shop is a marketplace for content creators to promote a product.

With a marketing system through content creators or influencers, it is certainly very easy to reach potential buyers. Interesting explanations and lots of honest reviews are also a plus as a recommendation for potential buyers to decide whether to buy it or not.

Buyers will have no trouble getting an explanation about a product if it has been reviewed by the content creator. Like other marketplaces, Tiktok Shop also provides many promos such as free shipping to discounts that will attract buyers.

There are also various payment methods on Tiktok Shop so any buyer can customize it. Even though it seems easy, there are definitely some users who make mistakes when making transactions.

Read Also : How to Sell and Shop on TikTok, Let's Take Advantage of the Crowd of Billions of Users!

For example, they choose the wrong type or color of goods when they are already at checkout or enter an order. Fortunately, every buying process on Tiktok Shop has its own timeframe.

This is useful when you choose the wrong item and want to cancel it even though it has been entered into the order. If you experience a similar thing, but still don't know how to cancel an order that has been entered on the Tiktok Shop, see the quick method below.

1. The first method is done when you have not made payment for your order.

- Open the Tiktok application first on your cellphone.

- Then go to the profile menu and click the three line icon at the top right.

- After that, select the orders menu in settings and privacy.

- Next, click on the product in the All section.

- To cancel the order, click cancel on the pending payment menu.

- Type the reason you cancel it in the tell us why you canceled column.

- When finished, click submit and a cancellation notification will appear.

2. The second method is done when your order has been paid for but wants to be cancelled.

When you have made a payment, the Tiktok application does not provide an option to cancel the order. However, you can contact the seller or the seller when you want to cancel. Give the seller a clear reason so they can list the cancel order option. The seller or seller must also give Tiktok a clear reason for canceling the order.

That's a quick way to cancel your order on Tiktok shop when it hasn't been paid for. Hurry up to cancel the order if it doesn't fit, before it's too late. That's about the article canceling orders on Tiktok Shop, I hope it helps.

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