Government Vertical Hospital Ready to Trial JKN Standard Class

KSP supports the pilot application of the National Health Insurance (JKN) standard inpatient class (KRIS) in a vertical special hospital owned by the Ministry of Health.

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) fully supports the trial of the implementation of the National Health Insurance ( JKN ) standard inpatient class (KRIS) in July 2022. Thus classes 1, 2, and 3 in the JKN-KIS program will be deleted.

Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Noch Tiranduk Mallisa, said that the implementation of KRIS is a mandate from Law no. 40/2004 on the National Social Security System (SJSN). The aim is to provide the same health facilities and services for BPJS health participants.

"This KRIS humanizes humans. This is in line with the mandate of the law, that all people have the same rights in obtaining health facilities and services," Mallisa said through a press release, Saturday (11/6/2022). 

Mallisa revealed, for the initial stage of the KRIS program, it will be piloted in a vertical special hospital owned by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). This is because in terms of resources, vertical hospitals receive full support from the central government.

"Both in terms of fulfilling the infrastructure and the budget," he said.

He said, from the results of the monitoring and field verification of the Presidential Staff Office team, the Ministry of Health's vertical hospitals in several areas were ready for KRIS trials. Mallisa mentioned several hospitals that he had visited, including dr. Sardjito in Yogyakarta, North Toraja Pongtiku Hospital, and TNI AD Reksodiwiryo Hospital in Padang, West Sumatra. 

"From our verification results, there are still a number of obstacles faced by the vertical hospitals of the Ministry of Health and the TNI in implementing KRIS. Such as the availability of land and other infrastructure. But basically they are ready for trials. This is what we continue to encourage," said Mallisa.

He admits that the implementation of KRIS is not easy and requires a long transition period. Because, he explained, there are many things that must be prepared, starting from the standard of room facilities to the amount of fees, and hospital rates that must be reformulated.

"Full implementation still takes a long time. People don't need to worry and stay calm in responding to this. Currently, BPJS Health services and hospitals are still running as usual," he said. 

Mallisa hopes that the implementation of KRIS in the Ministry of Health's vertical hospitals will go well, so that it can be continued to TNI-Polri hospitals, regional government hospitals, to private hospitals.

In the initial stage, KRIS will be implemented in 50 percent of vertical hospitals by setting nine mandatory criteria out of 12 agreed criteria. The first four mandatory criteria require hospital building materials not to have high porosity, air ventilation, room lighting, bed equipment with at least two plugs, and a nurse call connected to the nurse's guard room.

The remaining five criteria require the availability of a nightstand, stable room temperature of 20-26 degrees Celsius, the room divided by gender, age, and type of disease (infectious, non-infectious, and maternity), setting the density of the ward and bed quality, as well as curtains or rail partitions. immersed or attached to the ceiling and non-porous materials. 

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