The emergence of a pandemic and the acceleration of digital transformation has made the competition for the Video on Demand (VOD) platform increase.
TV series and movie streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Disney +, etc. are constantly competing for subscribers.
The company has its own strategy and innovation to dominate the VoD industry.
Disney as one of the new players in the streaming and TV series
Disney seems to be expanding its Disney+ service with a new subscription option.
According to The Information (via Macrumors ), Disney is planning to launch subscription package a cheaper Disney+
But later, Disney will embed ads on the subscription package.
The plan, the low-cost subscription package with ads will be available on the Disney+ platform at the end of 2022.
from KompasTekno , a number of media outlets such as Variety and The Wall Street Journal reported that Disney + would display ads for 4 minutes.
Later, advertisements will be embedded in films or series that are under one hour long.
Disney+ is said to be very careful about selecting and displaying ads on its streaming service.
For example, Disney Plus will reportedly not show ads that contain adult content, such as alcohol and politics.
Variety also reports that Disney+ will not accept any advertisements from its business competitors.
To maintain the family-friendly image that has been built so far, Disney+ will also remove all advertisements from all films and series on children's profiles.
Sources familiar with the matter told Variety that Disney will remove ads on shows aimed at preschool audiences, even when users don't have children's profiles.
Even so, keep in mind that Disney itself has not officially disclosed the duration of advertisements on the Disney+ platform, so it could be that the news circulating at this time will be different when it is officially launched later.
In addition, until now Disney has also not revealed the details of the price of the cheap subscription package with the advertisement.
In order not to miss the news about subscription packages with Disney+ ads, keep updating the latest news only on The Newbies.
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