PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) or BRI will be the biggest profit contributor for the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in 2021. Previously, at a Hearing Meeting with the DPR (7/6/2022) SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that BUMN's profit in 2021 would reach Rp 126 trillion, which is an increase from the profit in 2020 which was Rp 13 trillion or grew 869%. BRI itself is a BUMN that recorded the highest profit of Rp 32.22 trillion in 2021 or equivalent to 25.5% of the total profit of all SOEs in 2021.
"The transformation initiated by the Ministry of BUMN has proven to have a positive impact on BRI and all BUMN companies in general, therefore we will continue to strengthen this transformation to maintain business sustainability going forward," added BRI President Director Sunarso in an official statement, Friday (10/6). /2022).
Sunarso revealed that the main support for BRI's profit growth throughout 2021 was credit performance and the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK) which grew positively accompanied by a significant decrease in interest costs, and at the same time the company was able to manage portfolio mix and asset quality so as to increase asset yields . "BRI's profit achievement proves that the company can continue to create economic value for all stakeholders in the midst of challenging conditions," he said.
As a form of economic value creation carried out by the company, BRI has also deposited funds of IDR 27.09 trillion to the state throughout 2021. The deposit consists of payment of taxes worth IDR 20.17 and dividend payments on profit for the 2020 financial year of IDR 6.92 trillion. If it is drawn further, from 2019 to 2021 BRI has deposited taxes and dividends to the state with a total amount of Rp. 82.03 trillion.
BRI has prepared four main strategies to continue its positive achievements until the end of 2022. First, selective growth , where BRI focuses on sectors that have high potential, with minimum exposure to external shocks, namely the agricultural sector, chemical industry, and food and beverage.
In addition, BRI will continue its business follow stimulus by focusing on growth based on government stimulus to help strengthen domestic economic growth.
Furthermore, BRI will focus on quality, be selective in determining the feasibility of restructuring customers by taking into account the customer's business conditions and potential, as well as implementing a soft landing strategy by establishing sufficient reserves to anticipate a deterioration in the credit quality of restructuring customers. To maintain profitability, BRI focuses on high-yield , namely the micro and consumer loan as well as improving efficiency through increased low-cost funds (CASA).
"With good implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), the BRI Group will continue to focus on the MSME segment, especially micro and then in efficient ways, and value created must return to the micro and it will become a bigger snowball. will be greater value creation for all stakeholders," concluded Sunarso.
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