How to Share Screen on Google Meet via HP and Laptop Easily

Besides Zoom Meeting, Google Meet is an online teleconferencing platform that is quite popular today. Some of you may also be familiar with this platform made by Google.

Google Meet is one solution so that everyone can interact in the midst of the policy of limiting physical contact during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to the features in it, Google Meet makes it easy to interact between users remotely. 

The Google Meet feature that users may often use is Share Screen or share the screen. With this feature, users can share content that appears on their screen to be shown to other participants during the meeting.

Share Screen makes it easy for users when, for example, they want to share subject matter at school or presentation material at a company. The Share Screen Google Meet can be accessed easily via a cellphone or laptop.

Even though it's easy, it's not uncommon for users who don't understand how to share screen on Google Meet . If you want to use this feature, but don't understand how to share your screen in Google Meet , try following the explanation below.

How to share screen on Google Meet laptop

  • Before you start sharing your screen, make sure that the “Share Screen” permission is enabled by the host in Google Meet, if you are a participant.
  • If the “Share Screen” permission is not activated then you or members who are not hosts on Google Meet, will not be able to access the Share Screen feature.
  • If you are a host on Google Meet, the Share Screen feature can be directly accessed
  • During a meeting on Google Meet, click the square icon with an up arrow to access the “Share Screen” menu
  • Next, select the share option “Your entire screen” or just “Window”
  • When you select the “Your entire screen” option, Google Meet will display all the content on the laptop screen
  • When you select the “Window” option, Google Meet will only serve content from the currently open window
  • After selecting the option, allow Google Meet to share the screen by clicking the “Allow” option
  • Then, when the screen starts to be shared to Google Meet, there is a small menu bar with the message “You are sharing your screen”
  • To end screen sharing on Google Meet, click the “Stop Sharing” option.

How to share screen on Google Meet via cellphone

  • The conditions for being able to share screens on Google Meet via cellphone are the same as those listed above, namely, make sure you have been given "Share Screen" permission, if you are not a host
  • If you are a host on Google Meet, the Share Screen feature can be directly accessed
  • During the meeting, click the vertically lined three dots icon and select the “Share Screen” option
  • After that, click the “Start Broadcasting” option and the content contained on the cellphone screen will be shared on Google Meet
  • Sharing the screen will stop when you click the “Stop Broadcasting” option listed in Google Meet.

Please note, the method above is executed using the Google Meet service listed in Gmail, not the HP application version. Then, the cellphone used to access the service is an iPhone with the iOS 15.4.1 operating system. 

Thus, different places to access, maybe there will also be different locations of options and stages. That's an explanation of how to share screen on Google Meet via laptop and cellphone, hopefully it's useful. 

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