Tomorrow we all commemorate the Birthday of Pancasila , to be exact, it is celebrated every June 1st.
Since the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2016, June 1, 1945 has been designated as the Birthday of Pancasila, as well as a National Holiday.
The birthday of Pancasila was determined based on the event that Pancasila was proclaimed on June 1, 1945 by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, during a session of the Investigating Agency for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI).
Usually the birthday of Pancasila is commemorated by the raising of the red and white flag ceremony.
This year, the government will hold a ceremony to commemorate the birthday of Pancasila in 2022 at Ende Pancasila Field, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, both online and offline.
The theme for this year's commemoration of the birth of Pancasila is "Rising Together to Build World Civilization".
For us the general public, to commemorate the birthday of Pancasila 2022, we do not have to attend a ceremony.
We can also inflame the spirit of Pancasila through social media, namely through Twibbon.
As we know, this Twibbon is in the form of a photo frame containing a message to commemorate certain events or events, including the birthday of Pancasila.
This Twibbon can be a profile photo that is shared on social media, such as Facebook or Instagram.
You need to download Twibbon for the birthday of Pancasila 2022 first from Twibbonize.
This is a list of download links for the 2022 Pancasila Birth Day Twibbon from Twibbonize.
How to Install Twibbon for the Birthday of Pancasila 2022
- Go to and enter the desired campaign name (example: Pancasila Birthday 2022)
- Then various interesting Twibbon templates can be chosen
- Choose the one you want and click “View” then click “Select Photo”
- Enter the desired photo and click “Download” to save the Twibbon photo
- Then the finished photo can be posted to social media.
How easy isn't it? Let's celebrate Pancasila's Birthday on each other's social media!
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