3 Tips for Choosing the Best Dental Insurance in Indonesia

In general, basic health insurance products do not cover dental or eye insurance. Therefore, a type of health insurance that protects teeth has emerged, namely dental insurance. This type of insurance can be stand-alone or an additional insurance ( rider ) from health insurance products .

Although it seems trivial, teeth have an important role in the digestion of food. If not maintained, maintenance can be expensive. In addition, untreated teeth can also cause various health complications, such as infectious diseases.

Therefore, it is important for us to have dental insurance. So, how do you choose the best dental insurance in Indonesia? Come on, see the explanation!

Previous, What is Dental Insurance?

Dental insurance is a type of insurance that protects you from financial risks due to dental treatment or surgery. Usually what is included in dental insurance is the benefits of filling cavities, tooth extraction, and cleaning tartar.

Usually these benefits also vary, depending on the products available and the insurance company that provides them. Therefore, it's a good idea to read the insurance policy first before signing up for dental insurance.

Why Need Dental Insurance?

Toothache can strike at any time. In addition, the cost of dental care is also quite expensive. Therefore, it's better if you can have insurance that covers the costs, right?

Not only a matter of cost, dental insurance also encourages you to have a check-up at least once a year. It can also improve general dental health.

Types of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance also has several types. This type can be divided based on the type of product, as well as the types of benefits available.

Types of Dental Insurance by Product Type

There are 2 types of dental insurance based on the type of product, namely:

  • As an additional product ( rider ), where dental insurance is included in the main health insurance policy. This species cannot stand alone. Therefore, it is more suitable for those of you who do not have health insurance.
  • As main product a stand-alone Because not all health insurances have additional product options for dental insurance, some insurance companies also provide special dental insurance products. This main product is suitable for those of you who already have health insurance without dental protection.

Types of Dental Insurance Based on Available Benefits

Just like insurance products in general, dental insurance can cover a variety of dental health benefits. Based on these benefits, there are 3 types of dental insurance, namely:

  • Basic Care, where dental insurance coverage covers regular visits for prevention and dental health care. For example, filling cavities, scaling or cleaning tartar, to removing damaged teeth.
  • Complex Treatment, where the teeth have severe problems. Usually caused by an accident or disease. For example, actions in the form of dental surgery or implants.
  • Installation of dentures, where dentures are needed and have been recommended by a dentist through a prescription or a doctor's certificate.

Apart from these three benefits, there are also benefits of dental care in the form of aesthetic or beauty treatments. However, this benefit is not covered by most dental insurance products. For example, teeth whitening or the installation of stirrups so that teeth are neat. 

How to Choose the Best Dental Insurance for You

Everyone's insurance needs are different. Therefore, dental insurance products are very varied. You also need to choose and read an insurance policy carefully. Especially for dental insurance itself, here are some tips that you can do before buying the policy.

1. Check Dental Insurance Premium Prices

Dental insurance premiums can range from IDR 80,000 to IDR 300,000 per month. However, this depends on the type of dental insurance. In general, dental insurance products that can stand alone will be cheaper, because they do not have to pay for health insurance.

However, there are some products that cover dental insurance that are quite inexpensive, such as The Newbie. the newbie blogbebasapaaja has insurance for infectious diseases and Super Care accidents, where special dental protection for surgery due to accidents is covered.

The premium itself only starts from IDR 45,000 per month and you not only get dental protection benefits, but also for 30+ infectious diseases and accidents according to the bill. Both for outpatient and inpatient. 

Of course not everyone is suitable for this product. Maybe you need dental insurance that has basic protection. Therefore, match your needs with the premium that you can set aside per month.

2. Know How to Claim

There are two types of claim methods in the insurance world, namely cashless insurance and reimbursement . health Cashless is generally more practical, because you only need to show a health card. Unfortunately, you can only do this method with Partner Hospitals.

insurance reimbursement requires you to pay the bill first, before getting the Sum Assured. However, this method is cheaper than cashless and you can use it at any hospital, including the nearest hospital from your location. This method is also suitable if you already have dental insurance protection or health insurance that already uses the cashless . That way, you can also make a double claim .

3. Policy Extension System

Make sure your policy renewal system is in the form of a renewal guarantee . This means that the insurance company will commit to keep extending the policy, without reviewing your health condition. That way, your coverage for dental care costs remains safe and can be renewed for the next period of protection.

Questions About Dental Insurance

For more information about dental insurance, see the following questions!

1. Is the installation of dental braces covered by insurance?

Dental insurance generally does not cover the installation of braces, especially for the reason of straightening teeth. This is because the installation of stirrups is considered to have only aesthetic or beauty purposes.

Dental insurance products that do cover the installation of stirrups also tend to have expensive premiums. Therefore, make sure you have at least dental insurance for dental care first, which is more important for your health.

2. Is Wisdom Teeth Surgery Covered by Insurance?

Yes. In general, wisdom tooth surgery is included in the complex treatment benefits of dental insurance. However, the terms of the benefits and the amount of coverage may differ depending on the existing dental insurance products.

3. Are Broken Teeth Covered by Insurance?

Most dental insurance covers this one benefit. Broken teeth, especially from accidents, can be medically necessary.

4. Is Toothache Covered by Insurance?

Certain! Toothache usually indicates something is wrong with the teeth. Not only a doctor's consultation, the cost of procedures, such as filling cavities, implants, to tooth extraction are also covered.

But of course there are limitations to the benefits. Therefore, check your policy again. Especially in the benefits and sum assured.

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