3 Important Health Insurance Benefits for Women

Come to think of it, health insurance is very important for women. When viewed based on existing surveys and data, women are much more susceptible to disease risks than men.

In addition, disease detection for women is much more difficult. This is because the symptoms between men and women are different, where women's symptoms look more normal or look harmless. For example, the symptoms of heart disease in women .

As a woman, you need to know more about health insurance. Come on, read the article further!

Why do women need health insurance?

There are 3 main reasons why women need health insurance:

1. Health costs are already very high

Of course we hope that we will not fall ill. However, the cost of hospital treatment itself is very, very high. Especially if you calculate other variable factors, such as drug costs, doctor fees, laboratory test fees or blood check costs, and others.

If we fall ill, there are many cost factors to consider. However, if you have health insurance, the cost is much less than the original, right? because health insurance can be in the form of outpatient insurance and inpatient insurance.

2. High health cost inflation

In addition to the current high health costs, health costs are always experiencing an increase or inflation. Based on the BPS in 2020 alone, the monthly inflation of healthcare costs is double the monthly inflation of general goods costs.

So even though you still feel that you can pay for your health costs now, are you sure that in the future, you will still be able to pay for your health costs?

3. Women have more health risks

Actually everyone needs health insurance, but women need more protection. This is because there are various additional health risks for women that are not experienced by men.

What are the health risks for women?

There are 3 most dangerous health risks faced by women: The risk of giving birth, getting cervical cancer, and getting breast cancer.

Risk of childbirth

It's not surprising that giving birth has a very high health risk. There are many complications that occur, ranging from hypertension, diabetes, anemia, infections, and others.

In fact, according to the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards in 2012, around 395 women per 100,000 live births died due to the risk of giving birth, as well as due to its complications.

Not only endangering the mother, giving birth also has a very expensive treatment cost. The average cost of giving birth in Indonesia itself ranges from IDR 3 million to IDR 15 million for normal surgery.

Cervical cancer

Cancer can indeed be avoided by improving a healthier lifestyle. However, we still don't know what the exact cause of cancer is and the many risk factors that we can't avoid.

We can only do our best to:

Reduce cancer risk factors by quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Adding a protective factor through health insurance and/or critical illness.

Breast cancer

As with cervical cancer, the cause of breast cancer is still not fully known. We only know some of the risk factors that cause it.

With breast cancer that can be detected through a lump in the breast, then at least we can get checked out if there are symptoms. If you are already over 45 years old, it is better if you also do regular physical examinations.

In addition, you can also prevent breast cancer through:
  • Quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol;
  • Changing the diet to be more healthy and balanced;
  • Start diligently exercising;
  • Recognize existing symptoms;
  • Take medication to prevent or treat early-stage cancer.
Just like cervical cancer, sometimes breast cancer can't be prevented. Another thing we can do is be on guard with health insurance or critical illness so that we can face the risk of very expensive cancer treatment costs.
Are there any health products that cover these 3 risks?

Most health products do not cover the risks of giving birth, including The Newbie. But when it comes to cancer, The Newbie has a superior product, namely critical illness insurance Super Strong You can get this product with prices starting from IDR 28,500 per month only!

Of course, this price is influenced by age and the plan you choose. However, the cash compensation that you get is also of great value, which is up to Rp. 300 million. If you choose to buy more than one product, the Sum Insured you can get can reach Rp. 1.5 billion.

What are you waiting for? Come on, protect your health now!

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