5 Secret WA Features You Need to Know

WhatsApp is one of the chat most popular There are around 2 billion WhatsApp users worldwide and apparently, many features that not all users know about. Here are some of the latest WA secret features that are very multifunctional!

Setting the Writing Style

The WA application allows users to change the font style of existing text such as bold, italic , and strikethrough . You can use this feature with some special characters before and after writing.

For WhatsApp secret code to change to bold, you can use asterisk (*text*), italic with underscore (_text_) or underscore with (~text~).

Delete Message

The latest WhatsApp feature that not many people understand is that it eliminates conversations for chat . You can activate this feature by clicking on the contact's name then selecting "Delete Messages" and then clicking activate.

These conversation rooms will be automatically deleted within one week, so be careful.

Contacting People Without Saving Contacts

Saving a new contact might be a pain for some because there are too many contacts for example. Now, you can call someone first without saving the number.

The trick, you just go to a browser like Google Chrome for example then type wa.me/HP number. This trick makes you not need to have hundreds of contacts just to contact someone for a moment.

Important Chat Pins

The WA application often stores too many chats so that important messages from work groups, for example, are often unreadable. You can now solve this by using the pinned chat .

The trick, you just need to long press on one of the chat you want until several menus appear at the top. After that, select the pin sign and the chat will always be on top.

View Message Details

When starting a conversation in a group, it can be really annoying when it takes a long time to get a certain reply. You can now see the details of the message in the form of who has read and when.

Hold long enough to chat in the group then click the “i” icon at the top to display this feature.

You should pay attention to some of the secret WA features above which are very important to increase comfort. Try using this feature to communicate with other people, good luck! 

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