So Pure Support, Here are the Skill Details of the Yummi Wild Rift Champion


game esports League of Legends Wild Rift has indeed released an update some time ago. Slowly but surely, Wild Rift released its Champion characters one by one. In the latest patch update , Wild Rift will have four new Champions that will be released in the next three months.

The four Champions who will appear in Wild Rift are Sett, Yuumi, Shen, and Karma. The first two names will be released first, followed by the other two. For information, the Champions in Wild Rift Mobile are far behind the PC version of LOL. For mobile, the new Wild Rift features 79 champions. As for the PC version, there are 158 LOL Champions in total.

Each of the four new champions has their own advantages. However, Yummi is the most unique Champion. Because, Yuumi is a pure support champion in LOL Wild Rift. You could say, this cat-shaped Champion has attributes that are really over power (OP) as support .

Through the skills he has, Yuumi can provide heal, shield, buff attack speed , etc. through his three skills. He also has a passive basic attack that gives his teammates an instant shield. The reason Yummi is a unique Champion is her 2nd skill. Through a skill called You n Me! Yuumi will stick to her teammate's Champion and provide a shield to the target Champion.

Here are the details of Yummi's skills:

Pasif: Bob 'N' Block

Periodically, when Yuumi attacks a Champion, she recovers her mana and gains shield that protects her and her comrades.

Skill 1: Prowling Projectile

Yuumi will fire a missile and deal damage to the first target it hits. It deals bonus damage and slows at least 1 second when it hits its target.

Skill 2: You and Me!

Passively, Yuumi increased Adaptive Force and her own. Actively, Yuumi dashed at the target Champion, becoming untargetable from everything except the tower attack. So Yummi will stick to her targeted comrade Champion.

Skill 3: Zoomies

Gives Heals , increases Movement Speed and Attack Speed on Yummi. However, Yummi attaches to or merges with a comrade Champion, then the effect will be given to her comrade.

Ultimate: Final Chapter

Yuumi deals seven waves of damage, binding anyone hit by three or more targets. Yuumi can move, mount, and toss the Zoomies! while channeling the buff effect of his triple sill..(*)

League of Legends League of Legends Wild Rift Champion League of Legends Wild Rift Wild Rift Champion Yummi Skil Champion Yummi Skill Yummi Esports

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