Sinarmas Motor Insurance: Premiums, How to Buy, and How to Claim


Are you looking for protection for your beloved two-wheeled vehicle? You can choose Sinarmas motorcycle insurance. Here are the benefits, types, premium prices, how to buy, and how to submit a Sinarmas motorcycle insurance claim. 

Know the Benefits of Sinarmas Motor Insurance

Reporting from, Simas Motor is a motor vehicle insurance product from Asuransi Sinar Mas that provides special protection for two-wheeled vehicles with the basic guarantee being total loss only or TLO.

TLO insurance on motorbikes is the same as on cars, namely insurance that provides protection for motorbikes from the risk of loss due to criminal acts. TLO or lost motorcycle insurance covers the risk of theft and damage if the estimated repair costs are equal to or exceed 75 percent of the vehicle price immediately prior to the loss.

Two-wheeled vehicles that can be insured under simas motor are two-wheeled vehicles that are used for personal or official purposes. In other words, motorbikes used for motorcycle taxis cannot be insured.

One of the best motorcycle insurance options provides protection for motorcycles with a maximum age of 10 years. You can pay premiums according to the policy period or annually with the following benefits and conditions:

  • The amount of own risk (Own Retention) when a claim is the responsibility of the customer is only 10 percent of the coverage (equivalent to Rp. 750 thousand)
  • Premium refunds can be obtained if the coverage period has not reached 8 (eight months)

Premium Price and Simulation of Sinarmas Motor Insurance Calculation

The price of Sinarmas motorcycle insurance premiums is the same as other two-wheeled vehicle insurance, which follows the OJK Circular Letter (Financial Services Authority) Number 6/SEOJK.05/2017. This circular regulates the calculation of the cost of motorbike insurance premiums and explains that the percentage of the lower and upper limit premiums is according to the type/category of the vehicle and the area where you use the vehicle.

In brief, the various factors that determine the premium range are:

  • Motorcycle age
  • Motor model type/variant
  • Extended warranty (if any)
  • Number plate area code

Premiums are paid annually or according to the policy period. For the percentage of Sinamas Motor TLO Insurance premiums as follows:

Sum insured Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
All sum assured 1,76% – 2,11% 1,80% – 2,16% 0,67% – 0,80%


  • Region 1: Sumatra and the surrounding Islands
  • Region 2: DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten.
  • Region 3: Apart from Region 1 and Region 2.

Meanwhile, the formula for calculating the premium is:

  • Premium percentage x On The Road (OTR) Motorcycle price + administration fee

For an example of calculating Sinarmas premiums, you can see through the example below:

  • Motorcycle age: 5 years
  • Price: IDR 20 million
  • Admin fee: IDR 30 thousand
  • So, the premium to be paid is:
  • 2,5% x Rp20.000.000 + Rp30.000 = Rp.530.000

The annual premium for a motorbike with the above specifications is IDR 530 thousand. If a new motorbike is purchased on credit, the additional premium is in the monthly installments.

Premiums will be returned on a short period/penalty basis if the coverage period has not reached 8 months. However, if the customer sells his vehicle with the policy period exceeding 8 months, the premium will not be returned.

The insurance value is based on the actual price of the vehicle or market price at closing or the purchase price of the vehicle according to the invoice (especially for new vehicles).

How to Buy Sinarmas Motor Insurance

You can get Sinarmas motorcycle insurance products in three ways, namely:

  • Online website www.sinarmas.coid
  • Via our Call Center at 021 5050 9999, or
  • Come directly to the nearest Sinar Mas Insurance branch office.

How to Claim Sinarmas Motor Insurance

If you want to make a claim, follow these steps:

1. Make a Report to the Insurance Party

First, you must report to Sinarmas insurance by contacting Sinarmas Insurance customer care 24 hours at 021 23567888 or at 5050 7888, sending an email to, visiting the official website of, or visiting nearest Sinarmas branch office.

If you buy a motorbike on credit, you can ask the leasing party about the contact and address that can be contacted to report.

When reporting, Sinarmas insurance will interview and ask questions about how, why, and when about the loss of the motorbike.

2. Making Minutes at the Police

Then you can go to the local police station to get a vehicle loss certificate. You will be asked to make a report containing personal data and a chronology of events. The limit for making minutes is a maximum of 24 hours, do not exceed that limit.

3. Create a Blocking Letter

The blocking letter will be used as a complementary document needed during the claim process to the insurance company. You can get the blocking letter from the Ditlantas (Directorate of Traffic) at the local Polda.

4. Handling Letters from the Directorate of Investigation

You will also need to request a letter from the Head of the Directorate of Investigation. When processing this letter, you must fill out the application form with the appropriate name on the registered insurance policy. You must attach several documents to the application, namely:

  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Copy of BPKB
  • Copy of purchase invoice
  • Photocopy of insurance policy
  • Cover letter from the insurance company
  • Original letter of DPB (List of Goods Search)
  • Lapju's original letter (Progress Report) from the police
  • Photocopy of the report from the police
5. Submit an Application for Insurance Claims

You can submit a claim application letter to the insurance company after doing all the steps above. When submitting, you will be asked to fill out a detailed and complete form. You must also complete a claim application letter to be submitted with the following documents:
  • Photocopy of vehicle insurance policy
  • Copy of SIM and STNK
  • Original letter of loss from the police
  • 2 Motor ignition
  • BAP Letter (Minutes of Examination)
  • Original BPKB, original purchase invoice, and original STNK
  • Receipts that have been accompanied by 3 pieces of stamp duty
  • Certificate of Head of the Directorate of Investigation
  • Certificate of blocking STNK from Polda
  • Surrogacysi
That's a complete explanation of Sinarmas motorcycle insurance.

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